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4. Process Modeling
4.6. Case Studies in Process Modeling
4.6.4. Thermal Expansion of Copper Case Study

Quadratic/Quadratic Rational Function Model

Q/Q Rational Function Model Starting Values Based on the procedure described in, we fit the model: $$ y = A_0 + A_1 x + A_2 x^2 - B_1 x - B_2 x^2 + \varepsilon \, ,$$ using the following five representative points to generate the starting values for the Q/Q rational function.
    Temp        THERMEXP
    ----        --------
     10             0
     50             5
    120            12
    200            15
    800            20
The coefficients from the preliminary linear fit of the five points are:
    A0 = -3.005450  
    A1 =  0.368829 
    A2 = -0.006828 
    B1 = -0.011234 
    B2 = -0.000306 
Nonlinear Fit Results The results for the nonlinear fit are shown below.
Parameter        Estimate    Stan. Dev      t Value
A0             -8.028e+00    3.988e-01       -20.13   
A1              5.083e-01    1.930e-02        26.33   
A2             -7.307e-03    2.463e-04       -29.67   
B1             -7.040e-03    5.235e-04       -13.45   
B2             -3.288e-04    1.242e-05       -26.47   

Residual standard deviation = 0.5501
Residual degrees of freedom = 231
The regression yields the following estimated model. $$ \hat{y} = \frac{-8.028 + 0.508x - 0.007307x^{2}} {1 - 0.00704x - 0.0003288x^{2}} $$
Plot of Q/Q Rational Function Fit We generate a plot of the fitted rational function model with the raw data.

plot of Q/Q model appears to be a good fit

Looking at the fitted function with the raw data appears to show a reasonable fit.

6-Plot for Model Validation Although the plot of the fitted function with the raw data appears to show a reasonable fit, we need to validate the model assumptions. The 6-plot is an effective tool for this purpose.

6-plot of Q/Q model shows distinctive pattern in the residuals

The plot of the residuals versus the predictor variable temperature (row 1, column 2) and of the residuals versus the predicted values (row 1, column 3) indicate a distinct pattern in the residuals. This suggests that the assumption of random errors is badly violated.

Residual Plot We generate a full-sized residual plot in order to show more detail.

full-sized residual plot shows the pattern in the residuals more clearly

The full-sized residual plot clearly shows the distinct pattern in the residuals. When residuals exhibit a clear pattern, the corresponding errors are probably not random.

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