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Dataplot Commands for Furnace Case Study
Set Software Options and Get Started
. Starting Furnace Case Study
. Setting Dataplot Defaults
reset data
reset plot control
dimension 100 variables
tic mark offset units absolute
tic mark offset 5 5
label case asis
title case asis
title displacement 1.5
char x
lines blank
.  Following 2 lines for better looking gif files
frame thickness 0.15
tic mark thickness 0.15
. Finished Setting Defaults
. Starting Step 1.1
skip 25
read furnace.dat run zone wafer filmthic
variable label run Run Number
variable label zone Furnace Location
variable label wafer Wafer Number
variable label filmthic Film Thickness (ang.)
. Finished Step 1.1: Page Back for Output
Initial Plots of Resonse Data
. Starting Step 2.1
multiplot corner coordinates 5 5 95 95
multiplot 2 2
multiplot scale factor 1.5
y1label displacement 12
title Normal Probability Plot
x1label Theoretical
y1label Data
char circle
char fill on all
char size 1
normal probability plot filmthic
char fill off
char size
y1label ^filmthic
x1tic marks off
x1tic mark labels off
line box plot
character box plot
fences on
box plot filmthic
line solid all
character blank all
x1tic marks on
x1tic mark labels on
relative histogram filmthic
multiplot 2 2 3
limits freeze
let m = mean filmthic
let s = standard deviation filmthic
plot norpdf(x,m,s) for x = 450 0.5 700
end of multiplot
multiplot corner coordinates
multiplot scale factor 1
. Finished Step 2.1: Page Back for Output
Summary Statistics and Quantiles
. Starting Step 2.2
let m = mean filmthic
let s = standard deviation filmthic
let n = size filmthic
let n2 = n - 1
let mupp = m + tppf(0.975,n2)*s/sqrt(n)
let mlow = m - tppf(0.975,n2)*s/sqrt(n)
let supp = sqrt(n2*s**2/chsppf(0.025,n2))
let slow = sqrt(n2*s**2/chsppf(0.975,n2))
print "Estimated Mean                       = ^m"
print "Estimated Standard Deviation         = ^s"
print "Lower 95% Confidence Bound for Mean  = ^mlow"
print "Upper 95% Confidence Bound for Mean  = ^mupp"
print "Lower 95% Confidence Bound for SD    = ^slow"
print "Upper 95% Confidence Bound for SD    = ^supp"
let p0 = minimum filmthic
let p005 = 0.5  percentile filmthic
let p025 = 2.5  percentile filmthic
let p10  = 10   percentile filmthic
let p25  = 25   percentile filmthic
let p50  = 50   percentile filmthic
let p75  = 75   percentile filmthic
let p90  = 90   percentile filmthic
let p975 = 97.5 percentile filmthic
let p995 = 99.5 percentile filmthic
let p100 = maximum filmthic
print " 100.0% Point     = ^p100"
print "  99.5% Point     = ^p995"
print "  97.5% Point     = ^p975"
print "  90.0% Point     = ^p90"
print "  75.0% Point     = ^p75"
print "  50.0% Point     = ^p50"
print "  25.0% Point     = ^p25"
print "  10.0% Point     = ^p10"
print "   2.5% Point     = ^p025"
print "   0.5% Point     = ^p005"
print "   0.0% Point     = ^p0"
. Finished Step 2.2: Page Back for Output
Capability Analysis
. Starting Step 2.3
let lsl = 460
let usl = 660
let target = 560
capability analysis filmthic
. Finished Step 2.3: Page Back for Output
Box Plot by Run
. Starting Step 3.1
title Box Plot by Run
x1label Run
y1label ^filmthic
character box plot
line box plot
fences on
xlimits 0 20
major xtic mark number 5
minor xtic mark number 4
xtic offset 0 2
xtic offset units data
ylimits 480 640
ytic offset 0 0
box plot filmthic run
line solid all
character blank all
let xmean = mean filmthic
drawdata 0 xmean 22 xmean
major xtic mark number
minor xtic mark number
xtic marks offset units abso
xtic marks offset 0 0
. Finished Step 3.1: Page Back for Output
Box Plot by Furnace Location
. Starting Step 3.2
title Box Plot by Furnace Location
x1label ^zone
y1label ^filmthic
character box plot
line box plot
fences on
xlimits 1 4
major xtic mark number 4
minor xtic mark number 0
xtic offset 1 1
ytic offset 0 0
tic offset units data
ylimits 480 640
box plot filmthic zone
line solid all
character blank all
let xmean = mean filmthic
drawdata 0 xmean 5 xmean
major xtic mark number
minor xtic mark number
xtic marks offset units abso
xtic marks offset 0 0
. Finished Step 3.2: Page Back for Output
Box Plot by Wafer
. Starting Step 3.3
title Box Plot by Wafer
x1label ^wafer
y1label ^filmthic
character box plot
line box plot
fences on
xlimits 1 2
major xtic mark number 2
minor xtic mark number 0
xtic offset 1 1
ytic offset 0 0
tic offset units data
ylimits 480 640
box plot filmthic wafer
line solid all
character blank all
let xmean = mean filmthic
drawdata 0 xmean 3 xmean
major xtic mark number
minor xtic mark number
xtic marks offset units abso
xtic marks offset 0 0
. Finished Step 3.3: Page Back for Output
Block Plot
. Starting Step 3.4
title Block Plot by Furnace Location
x1label Furnace Location within Run
y1label ^filmthic
character size 2 2
character 1 2
line blank all
xlimits 0 20
major xtic mark number 5
minor xtic mark number 4
xtic offset 0 2
ytic offset 0 0
tic offset units data
ylimits 480 640
block plot filmthic run zone wafer
line solid all
retain xplot yplot subset tagplot = 1 to 2
let tag = sequence 1 2 1 84
pre-erase off
plot yplot xplot tag
line dotted
loop for k = 1.5 1 20.5
   drawdata k 480 k 640
end of loop
character blank all
lines solid all
major xtic mark number
minor xtic mark number
xtic marks offset units abso
xtic marks offset 0 0
pre-erase on
. Finished Step 3.4: Page Back for Output
Analysis of Variance and Components of Variance
. Starting Step 4.1
. Compute some statistics based on filmthic variable
. These are used to compute "total sums of squares" statistics
let ybar = mean filmthic
let n = number filmthic
let nx0 = n
let df0 = n-1
let s = sd filmthic
let ss0 = df0*(s*s)
let ms0 = ss0/df0
print nx0 df0 ss0 ms0
. Do one-way anova on runs
. This used to compute the "run sums of squares" statistics
anova filmthic run
let pred1 = pred
let dx1 = distinct run
let nx1 = number dx1
let df1 = nx1-1
let res1 = pred1-ybar
let res1sq = res1*res1
let ss1 = sum res1sq
let ms1 = ss1/df1
.  Do one-way anova based on each unique combination of run and zone
.  This used to compute the ".. sums of squares" statistics
let tag = 10*run + zone
anova filmthic tag
let pred2 = pred
let dtag = distinct tag
let ntag = number dtag
let df2 = ntag-nx1
let res2 = pred2-pred1
let res2sq = res2*res2
let ss2 = sum res2sq
let ms2 = ss2/df2
.  Compute the ".. sums of squares" statistics
let df3 = df0 - df1 - df2
let res3 = filmthic - pred2
let res3sq = res3*res3
let ss3 = sum res3sq
let ms3 = ss3/df3
.  Compute the Components of Variance Factors
let zoned = distinct zone
let nzone = size zoned
let wafed = distinct wafer
let nwafe = size wafed
let var3 = ms3
let var2 = (ms2 - var3)/nwafe
let var1 = (ms1 - nwafe*var2 - var3)/(nzone*nwafe)
let vartot = var1 + var2 + var3
let var1p = var1/vartot
let var2p = var2/vartot
let var3p = var3/vartot
.  Print the ANOVA table
print "Values for ANOVA table"
print "Source           N        DF         SS    Mean Square"
print "Total          ^nx0       ^df0     ^ss0     ^ms0"
print "Run             ^nx1        ^df1     ^ss1    ^ms1"
print "Location(Run)             ^df2     ^ss2      ^ms2"
print "Within          ^ntag        ^df3     ^ss3        ^ms3"
.  Print the Components of Variance table
print " "
print " "
print "Values for Components of Variance table"
print "Component          Variance       % of Total"
print "Run                ^var1        ^var1p"
print "Location(Run)      ^var2        ^var2p"
print "Within             ^var3       ^var3p"
. Finished Step 4.1: Page Back for Output
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