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5.4 MIL-HDBK-17: Composite Materials Handbook

Mark Vangel

Statistical Engineering Division, ITL

Mark Vangel is Chairman of the Statistics Working Group of Mil-Handbook-17, which develops and publishes statistical methods for composite materials. These materials, which can have exceptionally high ratios of strength and stiffness to weight, are of growing importance, particularly in the aerospace industry. However, strength properties of composite materials typically exhibit considerable variability, due to the brittleness of most fibers and many matrices, and due to processing. Statistical methods (specifically methods for tolerance limits, mixed model analysis, and quality control) are thus important to the use of these materials. Mil-Handbook-17 is an evoloving document which is intended to be used as a primary reference, both for data and for guidelines on data analysis, by composites engineers, by the Department of Defense, and by regulatory agencies.

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Date created: 7/20/2001
Last updated: 7/20/2001
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