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Dataplot: Mathematics Characters

Introduction Mathematics symbols can be generated within any TEXT, TITLE, LABEL, or LEGEND command whenever the Hershey fonts (simplex, duplex, triplex, triplex italic, complex, simplex script, and complex script) have been specified (see the FONT command).
Method for Specifying Mathematics Symbols To indicate that a mathematics symbol should appear in some text string, simply enter the abbreviated (never more than four characters) name from the list below and append an open and closed parenthesis after the name, as in INTE(), SUMM(), and DOTP(). The () is a flag to Dataplot that the previous character sub-string is not to be printed literally but rather should be converted and drawn as a special symbol.
Examples For example, go to the middle of screen, and draw out summation, integration, and infinity symbols in simplex font:
    MOVE 50 50
As another example, go to the middle of screen, and write out A union B (a set theory notation) in upper case triplex font:
    MOVE 50 50
Table Showing the Available Mathematics Symbols The following table shows the available mathematics symbols.
    PART() partial derivative
    INTE() integral
    CINT() circular integral
    SUMM() summation
    PROD() product
    INFI() infinity
    +-() + or -
    -+() - or +
    TIME() times
    DOTP() dot product
    DEL() vector product
    DIVI() division
    LT() less than
    GT() greater than
    LTEQ() less than or equal to
    INTE() integral
    GTEQ() greater than or equal to
    NOT=() not equal
    APPR() approximately equal to
    EQUI() equivalence
    VARI() varies
    TILD() tilda
    CARA() carat
    PRIM() prime
    RADI() radical
    LRAD() large radical
    BRAD() larger radical
    SUBS() subset
    SUPE() superset
    UNSB() un-subset
    UNSP() un-superset
    UNIO() union
    INTR() intersection
    ELEM() is an element of
    THEX() there exists
    THFO() therefore
Sample Dataplot Program to Generate the Mathematics Symbols The following Dataplot program was used to generate the mathematics symbols in a duplex font.
    hw 1.6 0.8
    font simplex; justification left
    let x1 = 4; let x2 = 36; let x3 = 68
    let x4 = x1+30; let x5 = x2+30; let x6 = x3+30
    let yinc = 5
    move 2 90; text mlc()athematics uc()slc()ymbols:
    let ypos = 85; move x1 ypos; text plc()artial derivative
    move x2 ypos; text ilc()ntegral
    move x3 ypos; text clc()ircular integral
    let ypos = ypos - yinc; move x1 ypos; text slc()ummation
    move x2 ypos; text plc()roduct
    move x3 ypos; text ilc()nfinity
    let ypos = ypos - yinc; move x1 ypos; text + or -
    move x2 ypos; text - or +
    move x3 ypos; text tlc()imes
    let ypos = ypos - yinc; move x1 ypos; text dlc()ot product
    move x2 ypos; text vlc()ector product
    move x3 ypos; text dlc()ivision
    let ypos = ypos - yinc; move x1 ypos; text llc()ess than
    move x2 ypos; text glc()reater than
    move x3 ypos; text llc()ess than or equal to
    let ypos = ypos - yinc; move x1 ypos; text glc()reater than or equal to
    move x2 ypos; text nlc()ot equal
    move x3 ypos; text alc()pproximately equal to
    let ypos = ypos - yinc; move x1 ypos; text elc()quivalence
    move x2 ypos; text vlc()aries
    move x3 ypos; text tlc()ilda
    let ypos = ypos - yinc; move x1 ypos; text clc()arat
    move x2 ypos; text plc()rime
    move x3 ypos; text rlc()adical
    let ypos = ypos - yinc; move x1 ypos; text llc()arge radical
    move x2 ypos; text slc()ubset
    move x3 ypos; text ulc()nion
    let ypos = ypos - yinc; move x1 ypos; text ilc()ntersection
    move x2 ypos; text ilc()s an element of
    move x3 ypos; text tlc()here exists
    let ypos = ypos - yinc; move x1 35; text tlc()herefore
    move x2 ypos; text slc()uperset
    justification right
    let ypos = 85; move x4 ypos; text part()
    move x5 ypos; text inte()
    move x6 ypos; text cint()
    let ypos = ypos - yinc; move x4 ypos; text summ()
    move x5 ypos; text prod()
    move x6 ypos; text infi()
    let ypos = ypos - yinc; move x4 ypos; text +-()
    move x5 ypos; text -+()
    move x6 ypos; text time()
    let ypos = ypos - yinc; move x4 ypos; text dotp()
    move x5 ypos; text del()
    move x6 ypos; text divi()
    let ypos = ypos - yinc; move x4 ypos; text lt()
    move x5 ypos; text gt()
    move x6 ypos; text lteq()
    let ypos = ypos - yinc; move x4 ypos; text gteq()
    move x5 ypos; text not=()
    move x6 ypos; text appr()
    let ypos = ypos - yinc; move x4 ypos; text equi()
    move x5 ypos; text vari()
    move x6 ypos; text tild()
    let ypos = ypos - yinc; move x4 ypos; text cara()
    move x5 ypos; text prim()
    move x6 ypos; text radi()
    let ypos = ypos - yinc; move x4 ypos; text lrad()
    move x5 ypos; text subs()
    move x6 ypos; text unio()
    let ypos = ypos - yinc; move x4 ypos; text intr()
    move x5 ypos; text elem()
    move x6 ypos; text thex()
    let ypos = ypos - yinc; move x4 35; text thfo()
    move x5 ypos; text supe()
Dataplot Graph of the Mathematics Symbols Dataplot generated the following graph. Plot showing the mathematics symbols
Omit () for CHARACTER Comamnd When special math, greek, or miscellaneous symbols are used as plot characters, the trailing () is left off. For example,

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Date created: 06/05/2001
Last updated: 09/20/2016

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