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Dataplot Vol 2 Vol 1


    Analysis Command
    Perform a One Way Analysis of Variance (ANOVA)
    Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) is a data analysis technique for examining the significance of the factors (= independent variables) in a multi-factor model. Each factor has a certain number of values it can have (these are referred to as the levels of a factor). The number of levels can vary betweeen factors. Each factor and level combination is a cell. Balanced designs are those in which each cell has an equal number of observations and unbalanced designs are those in which the number of observations can vary among cells. A treatment is defined as a single combination of the levels of the factors. For the one-factor case, a treatment is equivalent to a level.

    The basic ANOVA model for one factor is

      \( y_{ij} = \mu + \tau_{i} + \epsilon_{ij} \hspace{0.5in} i = 1, \ldots, k, j = 1, \ldots, n_{i} \)


      \( y_{ij} \) = the j-th observation of the i-th treatment
      \( \mu \) = the population (grand) mean
      \( \tau_{i} \) = the effect of the i-th treatment
      \( \epsilon_{ij} \) = the error for the j-th observation of the i-th treatment
      \( n_{i} \) = the number of observations for treatment \( i \)
      \( k \) = the number of treatments

    The errors are assumed to be independent and normally distributed with mean 0 and standard deviation \( \sigma \) and \( \mu \) is assumed to be a fixed parameter.

    In the fixed effects ANOVA model, the levels of the factor are assumed to be fixed and the \( \tau_{i} \) are also assumed to be fixed parameters. In the random effects ANOVA model, the levels of a factor are assumed to be a random sample from a population of possible level values and the \( \tau_{i} \) are assumed to be random variables that are normally distributed with mean zero and standard deviation \( \sigma_{\tau} \). The \( \tau_{i} \) and \( \epsilon_{ij} \) are assumed to be independent for all \( i \) and \( j \). Although the basic ANOVA calculations are the same for the fixed and random effects model, the hypothesis being tested is different. In a fixed effects model, ANOVA is used to test the hypothesis that \( \tau_1 = \tau_2 = ... = \tau_k \). In a random effects model, ANOVA is used to test the hypothesis that \( \sigma_{\tau} = 0 \). Note that testing for the equality of the \( \tau_{i} \) is not meaningful in the context of a random effects model.

    For example, suppose one factor is the operator of a machine. In a fixed effects model, we would be testing whether the average performance varies between the specific operators tested. For a random effects model, we assume that the specific operators tested were randomly selected from a larger pool of available operators. In this case, we are not interested in the average performance of the specific operators tested. Rather we are interested in the variability between operators.

    The basic computations for the one factor fixed effects ANOVA are given here (and in most introductory statistics text books)

    Basically, the sum of squares are decomposed into a "treatment" sum of squares and an "error" sum of squares. Essentially we are comparing the ratio of the between treatment variability and the within treatment variability. For a fixed effects case, if the between variability is small compared to the within variability we conclude the treatment means are essentially equal. Similarly for the random effects model, if the between variability is small compared to the within variability we conclude the variance between treatments is essentially zero.

    The Dataplot ANOVA command performs an analysis of variance for up to 10 factors. However, this command is intended for the fixed effects case with balanced data (i.e., all cells have the same sample size).

    The ONE WAY ANOVA command specifically handles the case of a single factor variable. However, it handles a broader range cases than the regular ANOVA command and provides some additional output. Specifically,

    1. The ONE WAY ANOVA command allows summary data (i.e., the mean, standard deviation and sample size for each level of the factor variable) in addition to raw data.

    2. The ONE WAY ANOVA command allows a random effects model to be specified. This case will generate a variance components table (more will be said about this in the Notes section below).

    3. For the fixed effects case, the ONE WAY ANOVA command generates several additional tables. Specifically

      • A table containing confidence intervals for the treatment means is generated.

      • A table containg confidence intervals for the difference of the treatment means is generated.

      • A table containing Bonferroni adjusted confidence intervals for the difference of treatment means is generated.

      • A table containing Tukey-Kramer adjusted confidence intervals for the difference of treatment means is generated.

      Details about these tables is given in the Notes section below.

      Since random effect models are not concerned with the mean values and difference of the mean values for the specific treatments, these tables will not be generated for that case.

    4. The ONE WAY ANOVA command supports unbalanced data.

      There are two warnings that should be noted when dealing with unbalanced data. The balanced ANOVA case is known to be somewhat robust to the assumption of equal variances for the treatments. A common rule of thumb is that if the ratio of the largest treatment variance to the smallest treatment variance is less than 2, then the ANOVA should be robust to unequal variances. The unbalanced case is more sensitive to the equal variances assumption (and there is no corresponding rule of thumb in this case). In addition, the unbalanced ANOVA is known to be less powerful than the balanced ANOVA case. By less powerful, we mean that it takes larger differences in the treatment means to detect a statistically significant difference.

Syntax 1:
    ONE WAY ANOVA <y> <x>       <SUBSET/EXCEPT/FOR qualification>
    where <y> is the response (= dependent) variable;
                <x> is the factor (= independent) variable;
    and where the <SUBSET/EXCEPT/FOR qualification> is optional.

    This syntax generates a fixed effects ANOVA based on raw data.

Syntax 2:
    ONE WAY SUMMARY ANOVA <ymean> <ysd> <yn>
                            <SUBSET/EXCEPT/FOR qualification>
    where <ymean> is a variable containing the treatment means;
                <ysd> is a variable containing the treatment standard deviations;
                <yn> is a variable containing the treatment sample sizes;
    and where the <SUBSET/EXCEPT/FOR qualification> is optional.

    This syntax generates a fixed effects ANOVA based on summary data.

Syntax 3:
                            <SUBSET/EXCEPT/FOR qualification>
    where <y> is the response (= dependent) variable;
                <x> is the factor (= independent) variable;
    and where the <SUBSET/EXCEPT/FOR qualification> is optional.

    This syntax generates a random effects ANOVA based on raw data.

Syntax 4:
                            <ymean> <ysd> <yn>
                            <SUBSET/EXCEPT/FOR qualification>
    where <ymean> is a variable containing the treatment means;
                <ysd> is a variable containing the treatment standard deviations;
                <yn> is a variable containing the treatment sample sizes;
    and where the <SUBSET/EXCEPT/FOR qualification> is optional.

    This syntax generates a random effects ANOVA based on summary data.

    The ONE WAY ANOVA command saves the residuals in the variable RES and the predicted values in the variable PRED. These can be used to generate various diagnostic plots.

    The predicted values are the estimated grand mean plus the estimated treatment effect. The residuals are the response variable minus the predicted values.

    The PRED and RES variables will not be saved if summary data is used.

    For the random effects model, a variance component table will be printed. An example table is shown in the Program 2 example below.

    The variance component table is used to specify the percentage of the variance that can be attributed to the treatment (between) and how much to the error (within).

    The variance component for the treatment is computed as

      \( s_{Treatment}^{2} = \max(0,\frac{MSTR - MSE}{n0}) \)

    where MSTR denotes the mean square of the treatment and MSE denotes the mean square error and

      \( n_{0} = \frac{1}{k-1} \left(\sum_{i=1}^{k}{n_{i}} - \frac{\sum_{i=1}^{k}{n_{i}^{2}}} {\sum_{i=1}^{k}{n_{i}}}\right) \)

    The MSTR and MSE values are obtained from the standard ANOVA table. In the balanced case, n0 is equal to the level sample size. The variance component for the error is simply the MSE.

    The variance components are often given as a proportion of the total variance. In this case, the variance component is divided by the sum of the treatment variance component and the error variance component. This is also referred to as the intraclass correlation coefficient. Dataplot prints this expressed as a percentage rather than a proportion.

    The confidence interval for the treatment variance component is computed as

      \( \mbox{Lower CL} = \mbox{SSTR} \frac{\left(1 - \frac{F_u}{F_0}\right)} {n_0 \chi^{2}_{(\alpha/2,k-1)}} \)

      \( \mbox{Upper CL} = \mbox{SSTR} \frac{\left(1 - \frac{F_l}{F_0}\right)} {n_0 \chi^{2}_{(1-(\alpha/2),k-1)}} \)


      \( \chi^{2} \) = the chi-square percent point function
      \( F_l \) = \( F_{(\alpha/2,k-1,ntotal-k)} \)
      \( F_u \) = \( F_{(1-(\alpha/2),k-1,ntotal-k)} \)
      \( F_0 \) = F statistic from the ANOVA
      F = the F percent point function
      ntotal = the total number of observations

    The confidence interval for the error variance component is computed as

      \( \mbox{Lower CL} = (ntotal-k) \frac{\mbox{MSE}} {\chi^{2}_{(\alpha/2,ntotal-k)}} \)

      \( \mbox{Upper CL} = (ntotal-k) \frac{\mbox{MSE}} {\chi^{2}_{(1-(\alpha/2),ntotal-k)}} \)

    Approximate confidence intervals for the intraclass correlation coefficient are computed as

      \( \mbox{Lower CL} = \frac{\mbox{L}} {1 + \mbox{L}} \)

      \( \mbox{Upper CL} = \frac{\mbox{U}} {1 + \mbox{U}} \)


      \( \mbox{L} = \frac{1}{n_0} (\frac{F_{0}}{F_{u}} - 1) \)

      \( \mbox{U} = \frac{1}{n_0} (\frac{F_{0}}{F_{l}} - 1) \)

    where \( F_0 \), \( F_l \) and \( F_u \) are as defined above.

    For the fixed effects model, confidence intervals for the level means are computed as follows

      \( \bar{y_{i}} \pm t_{(1-(\alpha/2),ntotal-k)} \sqrt{\frac{\mbox{MSE}} {n_{i}}} \)

    with \( \bar{y_{i}} \) denoting the mean of the i-th level and t denoting the t percent point function.

    If the ANOVA shows a statistically significant difference in the level means, a follow-up step is to compare the pairwise difference in treatment means to determine which differences are statistically significant. This is a subset of possible multiple comparisons. There are a number of different ways to perform these pairwise comparisons.

    The first table generates confidence intervals based on Fisher's Least Protected Difference (LSD)

      \( |\bar{y_{i}} - \bar{y_{j}}| \pm t_{(1-(\alpha/2),ntotal-k)} \sqrt{\frac{\mbox{MSE}} {\frac{1}{n_i} + \frac{1}{n_j}}} \)

    This is just the standard confidence interval for the difference between means. The protected part is based on the idea that these differences are only analyzed if the F test from the ANOVA is statistically significant. The last column in the table provides p-values (p-values less than alpha indicate statistical significance).

    The second table generates confidence intervals based on Bonferroni's adjustment to alpha. The LSD method provides pairwise statistical signficance, but does not provide simultaneous statistical significance. Bonferroni addresses this with the following correction to alpha

      \( \alpha^{'} = \frac{\alpha}{k(k-1)/2} \)

    The table header prints the adjusted alpha. This can be compared to the p-values in the last column of the table to determine statistical significance.

    The third table generates Tukey-Kramer honest significant difference (HSD) confidence intervals. These confidence intervals are based on

      \( |\bar{y_{i}} - \bar{y_{j}}| \pm q_{(\alpha,k,ntotal-k)} \sqrt{\frac{\mbox{MSE}} {\frac{1}{n_i} + \frac{1}{n_j}}} \)

    where q denotes the studentized range percent point function. Like the Bonferroni intervals, these intervals provide simultaneous statistical significance.

    The generated tables are based on pairwised differences between level means. More general comparisons are based on contrasts and linear combnations. A contrast is a linear combination of two or more factor level means with coefficients that sum to zero

      \( C = c_{1} \mu_{1} + c_{2} \mu_{2} + \ldots + c_{r} \mu_{r} \)

    with \( c_{1}, c_{2}, \dots , c_{r} \) denoting the contrast coefficients and \( \mu_{1}, \mu_{2}, \dots , \mu_{r} \) denoting the factor level means and where

      \( \sum_{i=1}^{r}{c_{i}} = 0 \)

    For example, the pairwise difference betweem two level means has coefficients \( c_1 \) = 1 and \( c_2 \)= -1. To compare levels 1 and 2 with level 3, the coefficients are \( c_1 \) = 1, \( c_2 \)= 1, and \( c_3 \) = -2.

    Two contrasts are orthogonal if the sum of the products of corresponding coefficients (i.e., coefficients for the same means) also sum to zero. That is

      \( \sum_{i=1}^{r}{c_{i} d_{i}} = 0 \)

    where \( c \) and \( d \) are coefficients for two contrasts.

    For the unbalanced case, this is

      \( \sum_{i=1}^{r}{n_{i} c_{i} d_{i}} = 0 \)

    A linear combination is similar to a contrast, but it does not require that the coefficients sum to zero.

    A contrast is estimated by

      \( \hat{C} = \sum_{i=1}^{r}{c_{i} \bar{y_{i}}} \)

    The variance of the contrast is

      \( \mbox{Var}(\hat{C}) = \sigma^{2} \sum_{i=1}^{r}{\frac{c_{i}^{2}} {n_{i}}} \)

    and a confidence interval is given by

      \( \hat{C} \pm t_{(1-(\alpha/2),ntotal-r)} \sqrt{\mbox{Var}(\hat{C})} \)

    Estimates and confidence intervals for linear combinations are generated using the same formulas as contrasts.

    Montgomery (pp. 60-62) shows how the treatment sum of squares can be partitioned into contrast sum of squares for orthogonal contrasts. Note that constrasts should be chosen before the data is collected.

    By default, an \( \alpha \) = 0.05 is used in the above formulas. To use a different value of alpha, enter

      LET ALPHA = <value>

    Typical values for alpha are 0.01, 0.05 and 0.10.

    The following quantities are written to files

    1. dpst1f.dat - the level id, the level mean, the effect estimate and the standard deviation of the effect estimate

    2. dpst2f.dat - the level id, the level mean, the level standard deviation, and the lower and upper confidence limits for the level mean

    3. dpst3f.dat - the first level id, the second level id, the Fisher LSD lower and upper confidence limits and the p-value for the difference of means

    4. dpst4f.dat - the first level id, the second level id, the Bonferroni lower and upper confidence limits and the p-value for the difference of means

    5. dpst5f.dat - the first level id, the second level id, the Tukey-Kramer standard error, the Tukey-Kramer lower and upper confidence limits and the 90%, 95% and 99% critical values for Tukey-Kramer
    The following parameters are saved after the ONE WAY ANOVA command is performed.

      STATVAL - value of the F test statistic
      STATCDF - CDF of the F test statistic
      PVALUE - p-value of the F test statistic
      MSTR - treatment mean square
      MSE - error mean square
      SSTR - treatment sum of squares
      SSE - error sum of squares
      SSTOT - total sum of squares
    ANALYSIS OF VARIANCE is a synonym for ANOVA
    1 WAY is a synonym for ONE WAY
Related Commands: References:
    One way analysis of variance is covered in most introductory statistics books and more advanced books covering linear models.

    Neter, Wasserman and Kunter (1990), "Applied Linear Statistical Models," 3rd ed., Irwin.

    Searle, Casella and McCulloch (1992), "Variance Components," Wiley, Chapter 3.

    Montgomery (1976), "Design and Analysis of Experiments," Second Edition, Wiley, chapters 3 and 4.

    Analysis of Variance
Implementation Date:
Program 1:
    . Fixed Effects Case
    . Step 1:   Create the data
    read x y
    1   6.9
    1   5.4
    1   5.8
    1   4.6
    1   4.0
    2   8.3
    2   6.8
    2   7.8
    2   9.2
    2   6.5
    3   8.0
    3  10.5
    3   8.1
    3   6.9
    3   9.3
    4   5.8
    4   3.8
    4   6.1
    4   5.6
    4   6.2
    end of data
    set let cross tabulate collapse
    let ymean = cross tabulate mean y x
    let ysd   = cross tabulate sd   y x
    let yn    = cross tabulate size x
    . Step 2:   Run standard anova command and summary anova command
    echo on
    capture 1way.out
    anova y x
    one way summary anova ymean ysd yn
    one way         anova y x
    end of capture
    echo off
    The following output is generated in ONEWAYAN.OUT
           **  anova y x  **
                  1-Way Fixed Effects Analysis of Variance--Balanced Case
     Response Variable: Y
     Factor  1 Variable: X
     Summary Statistics:
     Number of Observations:                              20
     Number of Factors:                                    1
     Number of Levels for Factor  1:                       4
     Number of Distinct Cells:                             4
     Grand Mean:                                     6.78000
     Grand Standard Deviation:                       1.77870
     Residual Standard Deviation:                    1.15358
     Residual Degrees of Freedom:                         16
     Replication Case:
     Replication Standard Deviation:                 1.15358
     Replication Degrees of Freedom:                      16
     Lack of Fit F Test cannot be done
     because there are 0 degrees of freedom
     in the numerator of the F ratio.  This
     happens when the number of parameters
     fitted is identical to the number of
     distinct subsets.
                 ANOVA Table
                 Source  DF Sum of Squares    Mean Square    F Statistic    F CDF Sig
      Total (Corrected)  19       60.11200        3.16379
              Factor  1   3       38.82000       12.94000         9.7238  99.932%  **
               Residual  16       21.29200        1.33075
                Level-ID      NI       Mean     Effect SD(Effect)
      Factor  1        1       5    5.34000   -1.44000    0.44678
                       2       5    7.72000    0.94000    0.44678
                       3       5    8.56000    1.78000    0.44678
                       4       5    5.50000   -1.28000    0.44678
     Model                         Residual Standard Deviation
     Constant               Only--  1.77870
     Constant and Factor  1 Only--  1.15358
     Constant and All  2 Factors--  1.15358
           **  one way summary anova ymean ysd yn  **
                 One-Way Fixed Effects Analysis of Variance: Summary Data
                      H0: Effect(1) = Effect(2) = ... - Effect(k) = 0
     Means Variable:       YMEAN
     SD Variable:          YSD
     Sample Size Variable: YN
     Summary Statistics:
     Total Number of Observations                         20
     Number of Levels:                                     4
     Grand Mean:                                     6.78000
                 ANOVA Table: Fixed Effects
                   Source   DF Sum of Squares    Mean Square    F Statistic   F CDF (%)     P-Value Sig
        Total (Corrected)   19       60.11200
      Treatment (Between)    3       38.82000       12.94000         9.7238     99.9316    0.000684  **
        Residual (Within)   16       21.29200        1.33075
                 Estimation: Grand Mean =   0.6780000E+01
        ID N(i)           Mean         Effect     SD(Effect)
         1    5        5.34000       -1.44000        0.44678
         2    5        7.72000        0.94000        0.44678
         3    5        8.56000        1.78000        0.44678
         4    5        5.50000       -1.28000        0.44678
                 95% Confidence Intervals for Treatment Means
                                              Treatment          Lower          Upper
                Treatment      Treatment         Sample     Confidence     Confidence
         I           Mean             SD           Size          Limit          Limit
         1        5.34000        1.11714              5        4.43930        6.24070
         2        7.72000        1.10318              5        6.81930        8.62070
         3        8.56000        1.37768              5        7.65930        9.46070
         4        5.50000        0.97980              5        4.59930        6.40070
                 95% Confidence Intervals for the Difference of Treatment Means
                 Difference of          Lower          Upper         Fisher
                     Treatment     Confidence     Confidence            LSD
         I    J          Means          Limit          Limit        P-Value
         1    2       -2.38000       -3.65378       -1.10622        0.00489
         1    3       -3.22000       -4.49378       -1.94622        0.00043
         1    4       -0.16000       -1.43378        1.11378        0.82919
         2    3       -0.84000       -2.11378        0.43378        0.26651
         2    4        2.22000        0.94622        3.49378        0.00775
         3    4        3.06000        1.78622        4.33378        0.00069
                 95% Bonferroni Intervals for the Difference of Treatment Means
     Bonferroni Adjusted Alpha = 0.0083
         I    J  Difference of          Lower          Upper
                     Treatment     Confidence     Confidence
                         Means          Limit          Limit        P-Value
         1    2       -2.38000       -4.33021       -0.42979        0.00489
         1    3       -3.22000       -5.17021       -1.26979        0.00043
         1    4       -0.16000       -2.11021        1.79021        0.82919
         2    3       -0.84000       -2.79021        1.11021        0.26651
         2    4        2.22000        0.26979        4.17021        0.00775
         3    4        3.06000        1.10979        5.01021        0.00069
                 Tukey-Kramer Honest Significant Difference (HSD)
     Multiple Comparisons: alpha = 0.05
                  |Difference|                         Lower          Upper
                  of Treatment       Standard     Confidence     Confidence
         I    J          Means          Error          Limit          Limit
         1    2        2.38000        0.51590        0.28038        4.47962
         1    3        3.22000        0.51590        1.12038        5.31962
         1    4        0.16000        0.51590       -1.93962        2.25962
         2    3        0.84000        0.51590       -1.25962        2.93962
         2    4        2.22000        0.51590        0.12038        4.31962
         3    4        3.06000        0.51590        0.96038        5.15962
           **  one way         anova y x  **
                 One-Way Fixed Effects Analysis of Variance: Raw Data
                   H0: Effect(1) = Effect(2) = ... - Effect(k) = 0
     Group-ID Variable:    Y
     Summary Statistics:
     Total Number of Observations                         20
     Number of Levels:                                     4
     Grand Mean:                                     6.78000
     Grand Standard Deviation:                       1.77870
                 ANOVA Table: Fixed Effects
                   Source   DF Sum of Squares    Mean Square    F Statistic   F CDF (%)     P-Value Sig
        Total (Corrected)   19       60.11200
      Treatment (Between)    3       38.82000       12.94000         9.7238     99.9316    0.000684  **
        Residual (Within)   16       21.29200        1.33075
                 Estimation: Grand Mean =   0.6780000E+01
        ID N(i)           Mean         Effect     SD(Effect)
         1    5        5.34000       -1.44000        0.44678
         2    5        7.72000        0.94000        0.44678
         3    5        8.56000        1.78000        0.44678
         4    5        5.50000       -1.28000        0.44678
     Model                       Residual Standard Deviation
     Constant                                        1.77870
     Constant + Factor                               1.15358
                 95% Confidence Intervals for Treatment Means
                                              Treatment          Lower          Upper
                Treatment      Treatment         Sample     Confidence     Confidence
         I           Mean             SD           Size          Limit          Limit
         1        5.34000        1.11714              5        4.43930        6.24070
         2        7.72000        1.10318              5        6.81930        8.62070
         3        8.56000        1.37768              5        7.65930        9.46070
         4        5.50000        0.97980              5        4.59930        6.40070
                 95% Confidence Intervals for the Difference of Treatment Means
                 Difference of          Lower          Upper         Fisher
                     Treatment     Confidence     Confidence            LSD
         I    J          Means          Limit          Limit        P-Value
         1    2       -2.38000       -3.65378       -1.10622        0.00489
         1    3       -3.22000       -4.49378       -1.94622        0.00043
         1    4       -0.16000       -1.43378        1.11378        0.82919
         2    3       -0.84000       -2.11378        0.43378        0.26651
         2    4        2.22000        0.94622        3.49378        0.00775
         3    4        3.06000        1.78622        4.33378        0.00069
                 95% Bonferroni Intervals for the Difference of Treatment Means
     Bonferroni Adjusted Alpha = 0.0083
         I    J  Difference of          Lower          Upper
                     Treatment     Confidence     Confidence
                         Means          Limit          Limit        P-Value
         1    2       -2.38000       -4.33021       -0.42979        0.00489
         1    3       -3.22000       -5.17021       -1.26979        0.00043
         1    4       -0.16000       -2.11021        1.79021        0.82919
         2    3       -0.84000       -2.79021        1.11021        0.26651
         2    4        2.22000        0.26979        4.17021        0.00775
         3    4        3.06000        1.10979        5.01021        0.00069
                 Tukey-Kramer Honest Significant Difference (HSD)
     Multiple Comparisons: alpha = 0.05
                  |Difference|                         Lower          Upper
                  of Treatment       Standard     Confidence     Confidence
         I    J          Means          Error          Limit          Limit
         1    2        2.38000        0.51590        0.28038        4.47962
         1    3        3.22000        0.51590        1.12038        5.31962
         1    4        0.16000        0.51590       -1.93962        2.25962
         2    3        0.84000        0.51590       -1.25962        2.93962
         2    4        2.22000        0.51590        0.12038        4.31962
         3    4        3.06000        0.51590        0.96038        5.15962
Program 2:
    . Random Effects Case
    . Step 1:   Create the data
    read x y
     1     74
     1     76
     1     75
     2     68
     2     71
     2     72
     3     75
     3     77
     3     77
     4     72
     4     74
     4     73
     5     79
     5     81
     5     79
    end of data
    set let cross tabulate collapse
    let ymean = cross tabulate mean y x
    let ysd   = cross tabulate sd   y x
    let yn    = cross tabulate size x
    . Step 2:   Run random effects ANOVA
    echo on
    capture ONEWAYAN.OUT
    set write decimals 6
    one way random effects anova y x
    one way summary random effects anova ymean ysd yn
    end of capture
    echo off
    The following output is generated in ONEWAYA2.OUT
           **  one way random effects anova y x  **
                 One-Way Random Effects Analysis of Variance: Raw Data
                              H0: Variance of Effects = 0
     Group-ID Variable:    Y
     Summary Statistics:
     Total Number of Observations                         15
     Number of Levels:                                     5
     Grand Mean:                                   74.866667
     Grand Standard Deviation:                      3.440653
                 ANOVA Table: Fixed Effects
                   Source   DF Sum of Squares    Mean Square    F Statistic   F CDF (%)     P-Value Sig
        Total (Corrected)   14     165.733333
      Treatment (Between)    4     147.733333      36.933333        20.5185     99.9918    0.000082  **
        Residual (Within)   10      18.000000       1.800000
                 Variance Components Table: Random Effects
                                                  Lower          Upper       Intraclass          Lower          Upper
                                Variance     Confidence     Confidence      Correlation     Confidence     Confidence
                   Source      Component          Limit          Limit  Coefficient (%)          Limit          Limit
      Treatment (Between)      11.711111       3.456828     101.096603            86.68      54.490128      98.364796
        Residual (Within)       1.800000       0.878770       5.543625            13.32
           **  one way summary random effects anova ymean ysd yn  **
                 One-Way Random Effects Analysis of Variance: Summary Data
                                H0: Variance of Effects = 0
     Means Variable:       YMEAN
     SD Variable:          YSD
     Sample Size Variable: YN
     Summary Statistics:
     Total Number of Observations                         15
     Number of Levels:                                     5
     Grand Mean:                                   74.866667
                 ANOVA Table: Fixed Effects
                   Source   DF Sum of Squares    Mean Square    F Statistic   F CDF (%)     P-Value Sig
        Total (Corrected)   14     165.733333
      Treatment (Between)    4     147.733333      36.933333        20.5185     99.9918    0.000082  **
        Residual (Within)   10      18.000000       1.800000
                 Variance Components Table: Random Effects
                                                  Lower          Upper       Intraclass          Lower          Upper
                                Variance     Confidence     Confidence      Correlation     Confidence     Confidence
                   Source      Component          Limit          Limit  Coefficient (%)          Limit          Limit
      Treatment (Between)      11.711111       3.456828     101.096603            86.68      54.490128      98.364796
        Residual (Within)       1.800000       0.878770       5.543625            13.32
Date created: 09/27/2023
Last updated: 09/27/2023

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