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Dataplot Vol 1 Vol 2


    Support Command
    Writes variables (vectors), parameters (scalars), functions (including strings), and matrices to the screen or to a file.
Syntax 1:
    WRITE <variable list>             <SUBSET/EXCEPT/FOR qualification>
    where <variable list> is a list of parameters, variables, strings, or matrices (separated by spaces);
    and where the <SUBSET/EXCEPT/FOR qualification> is optional.
Syntax 2:
    WRITE <file name> <variable list>             <SUBSET/EXCEPT/FOR qualification>
    where <file name> specifies the name of the output file;
                <variable list> is a list of parameters, variables, strings, or matrices (separated by spaces);
    and where the <SUBSET/EXCEPT/FOR qualification> is optional.

    If the file name does not contain a period, place a period (no spaces) at the end of the file name.

Syntax 3:

    This syntax writes all currently defined variables (up to 25 variables may be printed). Although this command was implemented primarily for the Tcl/Tk graphical interface, it can also be used directly.

Syntax 4:
    WRITE <HTML/LaTex/RTF> <file name> <variable list>
                <SUBSET/EXCEPT/FOR qualification>
    where <file name> specifies the name of the output file;
                <HTML/LaTex/RTF> specifies that variables will be written HTML (HTML), LaTex (LaTex), or Rich Text Format (RTF) format;
                <variable list> is a list of variables;
    and where the <SUBSET/EXCEPT/FOR qualification> is optional.

    This syntax is used to write variables in either HTML, LaTex, or RTF format. It is restricted to variables only (i.e., no parameters, strings, or matrices). In addition, HTML format is limited to 15 variables and LaTex and RTF format are limited to 7 variables. LaTex and RTF have a fixed width pages which is why we currently restrict the number of columns.

    This option is useful when you want to display output for web pages or you want to import output into documents. The output from the WRITE comamnd will be generated as a "table".

Syntax 5:
    <WRITE1/WRITE2/WRITE3> <file name> <variable list>
                            <SUBSET/EXCEPT/FOR qualification>
    where <file name> specifies the name of the output file;
                <variable list> is a list of parameters, variables, strings, or matrices (separated by spaces);
    and where the <SUBSET/EXCEPT/FOR qualification> is optional.

    This syntax is similar to the standard WRITE command. However, there are some distinctions between how WRITE1, WRITE2, and WRITE3 work compared to WRITE. This is discussed in a Note section below.

    WRITE OUT. Y1 Y2 Y3 X
    The following methods can be used to control the format of the output.

    1. The default is to print in exponential format.

    2. You can enter the command

        SET WRITE DECIMALS <value>

      where <value> is an integer in the range 0 to 12. This specifies the number of digits to the right of the decimal point (use 0 to print data as integers).

      The primary drawback of this option is that all variables will be written with the same value.

    3. To specify an explcit format, enter

        SET WRITE FORMAT <string>

      where <string> is a Fortran-like format statement. Currently, only F, E, and X format are supported (you can use Fxx.0 to print integer values, although the decimal point will still be printed).

      Although this provides a flexible option, one drawback is that it cannot be used for the option.

      Enter HELP WRITE FORMAT for details.

    4. You can specify the total width and the number of digits to the right of the decimal point by entering the command

        TABLE WIDTH <ntot> <nright>

      where <ntot> and <nright> are variables that contain the total number of digits and the number of digits to the right of the decimal point, respectively.

      That is row 1 of <ntot> and <nright> applies to the first variable printed, row 2 applies to the second variable printed, and so on. Up to 200 rows may be specified.

      A few comments on what may be specified (assume NTOT and NRIGHT are the values for a given row).

      1. A value of -99 indicates that the default value should be used (15 for NTOT, 7 for NRIGHT).

      2. If NRIGHT is 0, then an integer format will be used.

      3. If NRIGHT is a positive integer, then a Fortran F format will be used. For example, NTOT = 4 and NRIGHT = 2 will print something like "3.26".

      4. If NRIGHT is between -3 and and -20, a Fortran E format (i.e., scientific notation) will be used and NRIGHT specifies the number of digits in the mantissa.

      5. If NRIGHT is -2, then a G15.7 format will be used. With the G format, the Fortran compiler will decide, at runtime, whether an F format or an E format is more appropriate for a given number.

    The precedence order is:

    1. First check to see if a SET WRITE FORMAT command was given (this step will be skipped if writing HTML, LaTex, or RTF format).

    2. Next check to see if a TABLE WIDTH option was given. This option does apply to HTML, LaTex, and RTF output.

    3. Next check to see if a SET WRITE DECIMALS option was given.

    4. If none of the above options were given, use the default format (i.e., scientific notation).
    By default, Dataplot will open the output file before performing the WRITE and then close the output file after performing the WRITE. This means that the output file will contain the contents of a single WRITE command (and the content will start in row 1 of the output file). If the file already exists (before the WRITE command) it is overwritten.

    However, sometimes you may want to append the output of several WRITE commands to the same output file.

    The SET WRITE REWIND OFF command suppresses the automatic closing of the file after the WRITE command. So a typical sequence would be something like

      WRITE FILE.OUT ....
      WRITE FILE.OUT ....
      WRITE FILE.OUT ....
      WRITE FILE.OUT " "

    We specify the final write (just a blank line) after the SET WRITE REWIND command in order to insure that the ouput file is closed.

    Note that Dataplot currently only uses a single unit number for the WRITE command. This means that if you use the SET WRITE REWIND OFF command, you should write to the same file until the SET WRITE REWIND comamnd has been entered and the current file has been closed (i.e., the final WRITE after the SET WRITE REWIND ON command). If you try to write to multiple output files after a SET WRITE REWIND OFF, the results may be unpredictable.

    DATAPLOT writes to an ASCII text file. With one exception, no method of writing binary files is currently supported.

    The one exception is that you can use the command


    to write variables in an unformatted Fortran file. Note that this is not a portable format. Its primary use is to speed up the read time for large files that will be read many times on the same system.

    It is not appropriate for archiving data since Fortran unformatted files are compiler dependent.

    The WRITE command supports the "TO" syntax. For example,

      WRITE FILE.OUT X1 X2 Y1 TO Y8 Y15

    The "Y1 TO Y8" will write variables Y1, Y2, Y3, Y4, Y5, Y6, Y7, and Y8.

    When writing variables, you can specify a title for the output by entering the command

      SET TABLE TITLE <string>

    You can also specify whether rule lines are drawn above and below the variable names in the output by entering the command


    The default is ON.

    If the VARIABLE LABEL command has been used to define labels for the variables, these will be used instead of the variable names in the header line. These variable labels will be truncated if they are longer than the width of the field (variable labels can be 24 characters long while fields in the WRITE command are ofter set to 15 or less).

    If you want to suppress the variable names, enter the command


    To restore the default of printing the variable names, enter

    Literal text can be written by enclosing it in double quotes. For example,

      WRITE "Enter the value for X"
    DATAPLOT has no restrictions on the file name other than it be a valid file name on the local operating system and that it contain a period "." in the file name itself or as a trailing character. DATAPLOT strips off trailing periods on those systems where it is appropriate to do so. On systems where trailing periods can be a valid file name (e.g., Unix), DATAPLOT opens the file with the trailing period.
    File names are case sensitive on Unix file systems. For Unix, DATAPLOT opens the file as given. All other currently supported systems are not case sensitive regarding file names.

    As a further caution for Unix hosts, certain expansion characters (specifically ~ to refer to your home directory) are interperted by the shell and are not recognized by the Fortran compiler. These expansion characters are interperted as literal characters and do not yield the intended file name.

    Writing character variables, row labels, and group labels is not currently (4/2009) supported. We anticipate adding this in a future release.
    The 2016/07 version of Dataplot added the following command


    If you specify a header file, the contents of that file will be added to the beginning of the file specified on the WRITE command.

    The 2018/10 version of Dataplot added support for writing row labels, group labels, and character variables.

    To print row labels, use ROWLABEL as the variable name. This is demonstrated in the Program 2 and Program 3 examples below. The Program 2 example also shows how to print character fields as coded numeric variables while Program 3 prints the original character values.

    The Program 4 example demonstrates writing a group label variable.

    The 2018/12 version of Dataplot added support for the WRITE1, WRITE2, and WRITE3 commands.

    The behavior of the WRITE command is:

    1. Open the file (it will be closed first if it is already open).

    2. Write the specified data to the specified file.

    3. Close the file.

    There are two primary limitations for the WRITE command.

    1. There is no "append" mode. That is, the current WRITE command will overwrite the previous contents of the file.

      This limitation can be mitigated to some extent with the SET WRITE REWIND command described above. Note however that the SET WRITE REWIND settings apply to all subsequent WRITE commands.

    2. There is only one "active" write file at any given time.

    The following is an example of where these limitations may come into play. Suppose we are processing a list of files and performing a FIT to the variables in these files. We would like to save the residual and predicted values for each fit to a file. However, we would also like to save some summary information about each fit to another file. This was the situation that the WRITE1/WRITE2/WRITE3 commands are intended to address.

    Specifically, the behavior of WRITE1/WRITE2/WRITE3 is

    1. Check if the file specified on WRITE1 (or WRITE2 or WRITE3) is already open. If not, open the file. However, if the file is already open do not close or rewind the file.

    2. Write the desired information to the specified file.

    3. Do not close the file.

      If you need to close the file (e.g., to view the contents), you can do something like the following

        WRITE1 FILE1.OUT ...
        WRITE1 FILE1.OUT ...
        PROBE IWRIN1
        LIST FILE1.OUT

      For WRITE2 and WRITE3, use IWRIN2 and IWRIN3, respectively.

    The WRITE1, WRITE2, and WRITE3 units are treated independently of each other. That is, you can concurrently maintain append access to three distinct files while still using the WRITE command in the normal way.

    An example of using WRITE1 is given in the Program 5 example below.

    If you enter a single variable name with no arguments and that variable name is not a recognized command, Dataplot will interpret that as WRITE command. For example, entering


    will be interpreted as

      WRITE Y

    If a single word command is entered, Dataplot first tries to process it as a command. If the command is successfully executed or it generates an error message, nothing further is done. However, if no match is found and no error is generated, Dataplot will prepend a WRITE to the command and re-process it. Specifically, R, REPEAT, X, S, SAVE, L, and LIST are valid commands without arguments. A number of other commands without arguments (e.g., NLIST or FIT) will generate an error. So, for example, if you have a variable called R you need to enter WRITE R rather than just R.

    This only applies to single word commands. Entering

      Y1 Y2 Y3

    will not be interpreted as

      WRITE Y1 Y2 Y3
    The 2020/05 version of Dataplot added the following command


    Setting this to ON will write the file as a comma separated values (CSV) file. This option in intended primarily for the case where you want to import the file into another program that expects ASCII files to be in CSV format.

    PRINT is a synonym for WRITE.
Related Commands:
    SET WRITE FORMAT = Define a Fortran like format for writing data.
    SET WRITE DECIMALS = Specify the number of digits to the right of the decimal point when printing numbers.
    SET WRITE REWIND = Specify if the output file is rewound before writing.
    WRITE ROW = Read variables, parameters, strings, and matrices from a file.
    READ = Read variables, parameters, strings, and matrices from a file.
    Data Output
Implementation Date:
    1997/12: Implemented Syntax 3.
    2003/09: Support for HTML and LaTex output.
    2009/04: Support for RTF output.
    2009/04: Maximum number of variables for the WRITE command increased to 1024.
    2018/10: Support for writing group labels
    2018/10: Support for writing row labels, character data
    2018/12: Support for WRITE1, WRITE2, WRITE3
    2019/12: Support for interpreting single word commands as implicit WRITE commands
    2020/05: Support for SET WRITE CSV
Program 1:
Program 2:
    The following output is returned
     ROWLABEL                              Y             X1             X2
     Row_1                               8.0            1.0            1.0
     Row_2                               2.0            2.0            2.0
     Row_3                               1.0            1.0            3.0
     Row_4                               7.0            2.0            1.0
     Row_5                               3.0            1.0            2.0
Program 3:
    The following output is returned
     ROWLABEL                              Y X1                       X2
     Row_1                               8.0 xxx1                     yyy1
     Row_2                               2.0 xxx2                     yyy2
     Row_3                               1.0 xxx1                     yyy3
     Row_4                               7.0 xxx2                     yyy1
     Row_5                               3.0 xxx1                     yyy2
Program 4:
    set convert character on
    skip 25
    read draft69c.dat rank day month
    let ig = group label month
    set write decimals 2
    write rank day month ig
    The following output is returned
         LEVEL     1: January
         LEVEL     2: February
         LEVEL     3: March
         LEVEL     4: April
         LEVEL     5: May
         LEVEL     6: June
         LEVEL     7: July
         LEVEL     8: August
         LEVEL     9: September
         LEVEL    10: October
         LEVEL    11: November
         LEVEL    12: December
               RANK            DAY MONTH
             258.00           1.00 January
             115.00           2.00 January
             365.00           3.00 January
              45.00           4.00 January
             292.00           5.00 January
             250.00           6.00 January
             300.00           7.00 January
             251.00           8.00 January
             327.00           9.00 January
             341.00          10.00 January
             244.00          11.00 January
             342.00          12.00 January
             190.00          13.00 January
             102.00          14.00 January
             194.00          15.00 January
             364.00          16.00 January
              15.00          17.00 January
             270.00          18.00 January
             306.00          19.00 January
             156.00          20.00 January
             223.00          21.00 January
             178.00          22.00 January
             206.00          23.00 January
             279.00          24.00 January
              50.00          25.00 January
             349.00          26.00 January
             203.00          27.00 January
             157.00          28.00 January
              62.00          29.00 January
              91.00          30.00 January
             145.00          31.00 January
              92.00          32.00 February
              77.00          33.00 February
             307.00          34.00 February
             128.00          35.00 February
             237.00          36.00 February
             132.00          37.00 February
             304.00          38.00 February
             346.00          39.00 February
             124.00          40.00 February
             345.00          41.00 February
             195.00          42.00 February
             344.00          43.00 February
             229.00          44.00 February
             215.00          45.00 February
             316.00          46.00 February
             332.00          47.00 February
             221.00          48.00 February
             247.00          49.00 February
             189.00          50.00 February
             312.00          51.00 February
              25.00          52.00 February
             357.00          53.00 February
             218.00          54.00 February
             137.00          55.00 February
             340.00          56.00 February
              54.00          57.00 February
              19.00          58.00 February
              24.00          59.00 February
             173.00          60.00 February
             242.00          61.00 March
             112.00          62.00 March
             264.00          63.00 March
             179.00          64.00 March
             131.00          65.00 March
             317.00          66.00 March
             207.00          67.00 March
              43.00          68.00 March
             165.00          69.00 March
             356.00          70.00 March
             254.00          71.00 March
             286.00          72.00 March
             169.00          73.00 March
             118.00          74.00 March
             140.00          75.00 March
             311.00          76.00 March
              28.00          77.00 March
             362.00          78.00 March
             305.00          79.00 March
             314.00          80.00 March
              95.00          81.00 March
             249.00          82.00 March
              94.00          83.00 March
             360.00          84.00 March
             159.00          85.00 March
              32.00          86.00 March
             280.00          87.00 March
             210.00          88.00 March
              46.00          89.00 March
             109.00          90.00 March
              38.00          91.00 March
              26.00          92.00 April
             183.00          93.00 April
             302.00          94.00 April
             359.00          95.00 April
             351.00          96.00 April
             313.00          97.00 April
             199.00          98.00 April
             334.00          99.00 April
             366.00         100.00 April
               5.00         101.00 April
             228.00         102.00 April
             151.00         103.00 April
             171.00         104.00 April
             343.00         105.00 April
             222.00         106.00 April
             321.00         107.00 April
              61.00         108.00 April
             175.00         109.00 April
             158.00         110.00 April
             214.00         111.00 April
             138.00         112.00 April
             259.00         113.00 April
             219.00         114.00 April
             185.00         115.00 April
             236.00         116.00 April
             296.00         117.00 April
              23.00         118.00 April
             267.00         119.00 April
             198.00         120.00 April
              16.00         121.00 April
              67.00         122.00 May
             363.00         123.00 May
             104.00         124.00 May
             276.00         125.00 May
             318.00         126.00 May
             319.00         127.00 May
             353.00         128.00 May
             336.00         129.00 May
             136.00         130.00 May
             320.00         131.00 May
             330.00         132.00 May
             133.00         133.00 May
             163.00         134.00 May
             355.00         135.00 May
              71.00         136.00 May
             177.00         137.00 May
             287.00         138.00 May
              66.00         139.00 May
              18.00         140.00 May
             231.00         141.00 May
             225.00         142.00 May
             322.00         143.00 May
              33.00         144.00 May
             217.00         145.00 May
             323.00         146.00 May
              98.00         147.00 May
             107.00         148.00 May
             269.00         149.00 May
              42.00         150.00 May
             273.00         151.00 May
              44.00         152.00 May
             204.00         153.00 June
             230.00         154.00 June
             127.00         155.00 June
             326.00         156.00 June
             338.00         157.00 June
             255.00         158.00 June
               2.00         159.00 June
             266.00         160.00 June
             246.00         161.00 June
             358.00         162.00 June
             348.00         163.00 June
              30.00         164.00 June
             339.00         165.00 June
              76.00         166.00 June
             241.00         167.00 June
             220.00         168.00 June
              75.00         169.00 June
              86.00         170.00 June
             289.00         171.00 June
             205.00         172.00 June
             361.00         173.00 June
             335.00         174.00 June
             257.00         175.00 June
             299.00         176.00 June
             263.00         177.00 June
             135.00         178.00 June
              56.00         179.00 June
             167.00         180.00 June
              39.00         181.00 June
             328.00         182.00 June
             141.00         183.00 July
             252.00         184.00 July
             325.00         185.00 July
              21.00         186.00 July
             202.00         187.00 July
             187.00         188.00 July
              48.00         189.00 July
             200.00         190.00 July
             120.00         191.00 July
             294.00         192.00 July
             213.00         193.00 July
               9.00         194.00 July
             268.00         195.00 July
             298.00         196.00 July
             130.00         197.00 July
             227.00         198.00 July
               8.00         199.00 July
              79.00         200.00 July
             297.00         201.00 July
             278.00         202.00 July
             324.00         203.00 July
             265.00         204.00 July
              58.00         205.00 July
             162.00         206.00 July
             260.00         207.00 July
             121.00         208.00 July
             182.00         209.00 July
              35.00         210.00 July
              31.00         211.00 July
              47.00         212.00 July
              68.00         213.00 July
              36.00         214.00 August
               4.00         215.00 August
              41.00         216.00 August
              90.00         217.00 August
             101.00         218.00 August
             100.00         219.00 August
             284.00         220.00 August
              12.00         221.00 August
             180.00         222.00 August
              88.00         223.00 August
               6.00         224.00 August
             245.00         225.00 August
             150.00         226.00 August
             201.00         227.00 August
             154.00         228.00 August
             303.00         229.00 August
             329.00         230.00 August
             105.00         231.00 August
             248.00         232.00 August
             271.00         233.00 August
             281.00         234.00 August
              17.00         235.00 August
              55.00         236.00 August
             285.00         237.00 August
              14.00         238.00 August
              80.00         239.00 August
             354.00         240.00 August
             293.00         241.00 August
             256.00         242.00 August
             295.00         243.00 August
             277.00         244.00 August
             239.00         245.00 September
             262.00         246.00 September
             174.00         247.00 September
             193.00         248.00 September
             153.00         249.00 September
             142.00         250.00 September
               3.00         251.00 September
             114.00         252.00 September
              97.00         253.00 September
             290.00         254.00 September
             261.00         255.00 September
              83.00         256.00 September
             272.00         257.00 September
              84.00         258.00 September
              73.00         259.00 September
             108.00         260.00 September
             216.00         261.00 September
             119.00         262.00 September
             253.00         263.00 September
             301.00         264.00 September
              82.00         265.00 September
             309.00         266.00 September
              63.00         267.00 September
              87.00         268.00 September
              96.00         269.00 September
             211.00         270.00 September
              93.00         271.00 September
             164.00         272.00 September
             106.00         273.00 September
             168.00         274.00 September
              64.00         275.00 October
             125.00         276.00 October
             191.00         277.00 October
             139.00         278.00 October
             186.00         279.00 October
              20.00         280.00 October
             333.00         281.00 October
             315.00         282.00 October
             282.00         283.00 October
             192.00         284.00 October
              60.00         285.00 October
             238.00         286.00 October
             212.00         287.00 October
             291.00         288.00 October
             209.00         289.00 October
              53.00         290.00 October
             234.00         291.00 October
              49.00         292.00 October
              65.00         293.00 October
             288.00         294.00 October
             134.00         295.00 October
             148.00         296.00 October
              34.00         297.00 October
             123.00         298.00 October
              59.00         299.00 October
              72.00         300.00 October
             155.00         301.00 October
              51.00         302.00 October
             208.00         303.00 October
             352.00         304.00 October
               1.00         305.00 October
               7.00         306.00 November
             226.00         307.00 November
             149.00         308.00 November
             331.00         309.00 November
             310.00         310.00 November
             232.00         311.00 November
              99.00         312.00 November
             152.00         313.00 November
             347.00         314.00 November
             274.00         315.00 November
             113.00         316.00 November
              69.00         317.00 November
              13.00         318.00 November
             144.00         319.00 November
             350.00         320.00 November
             129.00         321.00 November
             197.00         322.00 November
              70.00         323.00 November
             224.00         324.00 November
              10.00         325.00 November
             143.00         326.00 November
             188.00         327.00 November
             337.00         328.00 November
              11.00         329.00 November
             122.00         330.00 November
             196.00         331.00 November
              78.00         332.00 November
             243.00         333.00 November
              81.00         334.00 November
             161.00         335.00 November
             110.00         336.00 December
              22.00         337.00 December
              40.00         338.00 December
             235.00         339.00 December
             117.00         340.00 December
             170.00         341.00 December
             283.00         342.00 December
              85.00         343.00 December
             233.00         344.00 December
             111.00         345.00 December
             103.00         346.00 December
              37.00         347.00 December
             308.00         348.00 December
              29.00         349.00 December
             184.00         350.00 December
             116.00         351.00 December
             240.00         352.00 December
             181.00         353.00 December
              74.00         354.00 December
              27.00         355.00 December
             166.00         356.00 December
             147.00         357.00 December
             176.00         358.00 December
             275.00         359.00 December
             172.00         360.00 December
             146.00         361.00 December
              89.00         362.00 December
              52.00         363.00 December
             126.00         364.00 December
              57.00         365.00 December
             160.00         366.00 December
Program 5:
    skip 25
    read berger1.dat y x batch
    set write decimals 5
    fit y x
    write1 fit_summary.out "a0: ^a0, a1: ^a1"
    write1 fit_summary.out "ressd: ^ressd"
    write fit_data.txt y x pred res
    let corr = correlation y x
    write1 fit_summary.out " "
    write1 fit_summary.out " "
    write1 fit_summary.out "Correlation: ^corr "
    probe iwrin1
    let iflag = close probeval
    list fit_summary.out
    write "Summary of fit statistics written to fit_summary.out"
    write "Fit data, predicted values, residuals written to fit_data.txt"
    The following output is generated for the WRITE1 file
    a0: 4.993679936982, a1: 0.731111063855
    ressd: 6.080923828158
    Correlation: 0.945581893216

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Date created: 4/27/2009
Last updated: 05/15/2020

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