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Dataplot Vol 2 Vol 1


    Library Function
    Compute harmonic numbers or generalized harmonic numbers.
    The generalized harmonic number is

      H(n,m) = SUM[k = 1 to n][1/k**m]

    The case where m = 1 is referred to as the harmonic number and has the formula

      H(n) = SUM[k = 1 to n][1/k]

    The m parameter is restricted to values greater than 1.

Syntax 1:
    LET <y> = HARMNUMB(<n>)             <SUBSET/EXCEPT/FOR qualification>
    where <n> is a number, variable, or parameter (> 1);
                <y> is a variable or a parameter (depending on what <x> is) where the computed harmonic number is stored;
    and where the <SUBSET/EXCEPT/FOR qualification> is optional.

    This syntax computes the harmonic number.

Syntax 2:
    LET <y> = HARMNUMB(<n>,<m>)
                            <SUBSET/EXCEPT/FOR qualification>
    where <n> is a positive integer number, parameter or variable;
                <m> is a number, parmeter, or variable (> 1);
                <y> is a variable or a parameter (depending on what <x> is) where the computed harmonic number is stored;
    and where the <SUBSET/EXCEPT/FOR qualification> is optional.

    This syntax computes the generalized harmonic number.

    LET A = HARMNUMB(200)
    LET A = HARMNUMB(200,1.5)
    The zeta function is the limiting case of the generalized harmonic number as n goes to infinity.
Note: Default:
Related Commands:
    ZETA = Compute the Riemann zeta function.
    ZIPPDF = Compute the Zipf probability mass function.
    ETA = Compute the eta function.
    CATLAN = Compute the Catlan Beta function.
    LAMBDA = Compute the lambda function.
    "Atlas For Computing Mathematical Functions", William J. Thompson, John wiley & Sons, 1997.

    "AMS 55: Handbook of Mathematical Functions", Abramowitz and Stegun, Eds., Washington, DC, National Bureau of Standards, 1964.

    Special Functions
Implementation Date:
    multiplot corner coordinates 0 0 100 95
    multiplot scale factor 2
    case asis
    label case asis
    title case asis
    tic offset units screen
    tic offset 3 3
    title displacement 2
    y1label displacement 17
    x1label displacement 12
    x1label N
    y1label Harmonic Number
    multiplot 2 2
    let m = 1.5
    title M = ^m
    plot harmnumb(n,m) for n = 1 1 100
    let m = 2.0
    title M = ^m
    plot harmnumb(n,m) for n = 1 1 100
    let m = 2.5
    title M = ^m
    plot harmnumb(n,m) for n = 1 1 100
    let m = 3.0
    title M = ^m
    plot harmnumb(n,m) for n = 1 1 100
    end of multiplot
    justification center
    move 50 97
    text Generalized Harmonic Numbers (N = 1 to 100)
    plot generated by sample program

Date created: 6/12/2006
Last updated: 6/12/2006
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