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Dataplot Vol 2 Vol 1


    Let Subcommand
    Generate a series of random permutations where possibly only a subset of the random permutations will be retained and where a specified proportion of the permutation values are allowed.
    For a given size N, to generate a random permutation the integers from 1 to N are randomly sampled (without replacement) until all elements have been selected. This is implemented with the command


    This SAMPLE RANDOM PERMUTATION command was motivated by the desire to simulate the following problem.

    Given a worm that has infected a single computer, simulate the following:

    1. The infected machine will propogate to NKEEP IP addresses from a master list of NPOP IP addresses.

    2. Of the NPOP addresses, only a proportion, p, denote addresses corresponding to an actual machine. That is, there will be p*NPOP valid addresses.

    3. Each newly infected machine will likewise attempt to propogate to NKEEP addresses.

    This process will be repated until all IP addresses corresponding to valid machines are infected.

    The Program 1 example demonstrates how this simulation can be implemented using the SAMPLE RANDOM PERMUTATION command.

                            <npop> <nkeep> <p> <niter>
    where <npop> is a number or parameter that specifies the size of the random permutation;
                <nkeep> is a number of parameter that specifies how many permutated values are kept at each step;
                <p> is a parameter or number (greater than 0 and less than or equal to 1) that specifies the proportion of valid permutation values;
                <niter> is a number of parameter (less than or equal to <npop>) that specifies how many sets of randon permutations are generated;
                <y> is a variable where the permutated values are saved;
                <tag> is a variable that identifies which iteration generated the permuted values.
    The SEED command can be used to specify a seed for the random number generation. The SET RANDOM NUMBER GENERATOR command can be used to specify which random number generator to use.
    By default, only the unique permutation values in the output variable are saved. If you want all permutation values to be saved, then enter the command


    This is demonstrated in the Program 2 and Program 3 examples below.

    Although this command was implemented with a specific simulation scenario in mind, it does have wider applicability.

    Specifically, it can be used to efficiently implement two sample permutation tests. The Program 2 and Program 3 examples below demonstrate a two sample permutation test for the difference between the means of two samples. These examples can be easily adapted to test for the difference between other location statistics such as the median or the trimmed mean.

    Based on extensive simulation studies, Higgins recommends that 1,600 random permutations should be sufficient for most purposes.

    This routine uses a random permutation algorithm suggested by Knuth. Specifically, it adapts the RANDPERM routine of Knoble.
Related Commands: References: Applications:
    Simulation, Permutation Tests
Implementation Date:
Program 1:
    set random number generator fibbonacci congruential
    seed 56791
    let npop  = 64000
    let nkeep = 10
    let p     = 0.25
    let maxiter = 20
    let maxit2  = 19
    let nmax = p*npop
    let y(1) = 1
    let nyv(1) = 1
    let y = 0 for i = 2 1 maxiter
    let iterv = sequence 0 1 maxit2
    loop for k = 1 1 maxiter
        let niter = size y
        let ynew tag = sample random permutation npop nkeep p niter
        let ny = size y
        let nyv(k) = ny
        let y = combine y ynew
        let y = distinct y
        if ny >= nmax
           break loop
        end of if
    end of loop
    set write decimals 0
    print iterv nyv
    The following output is generated
              ITERV            NYV
                  0             20
                  1             50
                  2            181
                  3            623
                  4           2040
                  5           5860
                  6          11932
                  7          15351
                  8          15941
                  9          15995
                 10          16000
                 11              0
                 12              0
                 13              0
                 14              0
                 15              0
                 16              0
                 17              0
                 18              0
                 19              0
Program 2:
    set random number generator fibbonacci congruential
    seed 32119
    .           Read the data
    dimension 15 columns
    skip 25
    read auto83b.dat y1 y2
    retain y2 subset y2 >= 0
    let y = comb y1 y2
    let n1 = size y1
    let n2 = size y2
    skip 0
    .           Compute the statistic for the original sample
    let mean1 = mean y1
    let mean2 = mean y2
    let statval = mean1 - mean2
    .           Generate the random permutations
    let npop  = n1 + n2
    let nkeep = npop
    let p     = 1
    let niter = 1600
    let ntot = npop*niter
    let repeat = data n1 n2
    let val = data 1 2
    let tag2 = sequence val repeat for i = 1 1 ntot
    set sample random permutation distinct off
    let yindx tag1 = sample random permutation npop nkeep p niter
    let ynew = gather y yindx
    .           Now compute the statistic for the permutations
    set let cross tabulate collapse
    let ynew2 = ynew
    let tag12 = tag1
    retain ynew2 tag12 subset tag2 = 1
    let ym1 = cross tabulate mean ynew2 tag12
    let ynew2 = ynew
    let tag12 = tag1
    retain ynew2 tag12 subset tag2 = 2
    let ym2 = cross tabulate mean ynew2 tag12
    let ydiff = ym1 - ym2
    .           Now plot the results of the permutation test
    let xq = 0.025
    let low025 = quantile ydiff
    let low025 = round(low025,2)
    let xq = 0.975
    let upp975 = quantile ydiff
    let upp975 = round(upp975,2)
    let xq = 0.025
    let low025 = quantile ydiff
    let low025 = round(low025,2)
    let xq = 0.975
    let upp975 = quantile ydiff
    let upp975 = round(upp975,2)
    title offset 2
    title case asis
    label case asis
    y1label Count
    x1label Difference of Means for Permutations
    let statval = round(statval,2)
    x2label color red
    x2label Difference of Means for Original Sample: ^statval
    x3label color blue
    x3label 2.5 Percentile: ^low025, 97.5 Percentile: ^upp975
    xlimits -15 15
    title Histogram of Difference of Means for ^niter Permutations (AUTO83B.DAT)
    histogram ydiff
    line color red
    line dash
    drawdsds statval 20 statval 90
    line color blue
    line dash
    drawdsds low025 20 low025 90
    drawdsds upp975 20 upp975 90
    plot generated by sample program
Program 3:
    set random number generator fibbonacci congruential
    seed 32119
    .           Read the data
    dimension 15 columns
    let y1 = norm rand numb for i = 1 1 200
    let y2 = norm rand numb for i = 1 1 80
    let y2 = y2 + 0.1
    let y = comb y1 y2
    let n1 = size y1
    let n2 = size y2
    skip 0
    .           Generate the random permutations
    let mean1 = mean y1
    let mean2 = mean y2
    let statval = mean1 - mean2
    let npop  = n1 + n2
    let nkeep = npop
    let p     = 1
    let niter = 1600
    let ntot = npop*niter
    let repeat = data n1 n2
    let val = data 1 2
    let tag2 = sequence val repeat for i = 1 1 ntot
    set sample random permutation distinct off
    let yindx tag1 = sample random permutation npop nkeep p niter
    let ynew = gather y yindx
    .           Now compute the statistic for the permutations
    set let cross tabulate collapse
    let ynew2 = ynew
    let tag12 = tag1
    retain ynew2 tag12 subset tag2 = 1
    let ym1 = cross tabulate mean ynew2 tag12
    let ynew2 = ynew
    let tag12 = tag1
    retain ynew2 tag12 subset tag2 = 2
    let ym2 = cross tabulate mean ynew2 tag12
    let ydiff = ym1 - ym2
    .           Now plot the results of the permutation test
    let xq = 0.025
    let low025 = quantile ydiff
    let low025 = round(low025,2)
    let xq = 0.975
    let upp975 = quantile ydiff
    let upp975 = round(upp975,2)
    title offset 2
    title case asis
    label case asis
    y1label Count
    x1label Difference of Means for Permutations
    let statval = round(statval,2)
    x2label color red
    x2label Difference of Means for Original Sample: ^statval
    x3label color blue
    x3label 2.5 Percentile: ^low025, 97.5 Percentile: ^upp975
    xlimits -0.5 0.5
    title Histogram of Difference of Means for ^niter Permutations
    histogram ydiff
    line color red
    line dash
    drawdsds statval 20 statval 90
    line color blue
    line dash
    drawdsds low025 20 low025 90
    drawdsds upp975 20 upp975 90
    plot generated by sample program

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Date created: 08/15/2017
Last updated: 08/15/2017

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