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Extreme Winds Software: Along-Wind Response of a Tall Building Input Format (Original Version)

Introduction This page describes the input format for the original version of the along-wind response of a tall building subjected to a wind load with mean direction normal to a building face. This version has a rigid format for the input file.

You should not separate fields with either commas or tabs. The program expects numeric values and commas will typically cause an error. Tabs should be avoided because the number of characters for the various fields may be misleading. That is, when a tab is entered, you may see this as 3 (or 5 or however many blank columns your editor inserts for tabs) blank columns. However, the program will read the tab as a single character. This may cause the alignment of your data to be incorrect. If your editor does not display tabs (e.g., some editors optionally allow you to show tabs as CNTRL-I ("^I")), this can be hard to diagnose.

Fortran Formats The program inputs the data using Fortran formats. In particular, the following Fortran formats are used:
  • Ix - the I signifies the data will be read in integer format and the "x" specifies the number of digits. So "I5" specifies an integer value with 5 digits. The integer value should be right justified.

  • Fx.z - the F signifies the data will be read in decimal format. The "x" specifies the total width of the field and "z" specifies the number of digits to the right of the decimal. So F10.3 specifies a real number with a total field width of 10 characters with 3 digits to the right of the decimal point. The real value should be right justified where the format fixes the location of the decimal point. So for F10.3, the decimal point should be located in position 7 (of 10). That is, there will be 3 position to the right of the decimal point and 6 positions to the left of the decimal point. If you have less than 3 decimal points in your number, the trailing positions can be left blank. In the F10.3 example, if your data value only has one digit to the right of the decimal point, positions 9 and 10 can either be left blank or entered as zeros.
  • xX - the X signifies that "x" columns will skipped. So 5X means to skip the next 5 columns.

Note that the program typically uses an F10.0 format for real numbers. In this case, the total field width is 10 characters. However, the location of the decimal point can occur any place in those 10 characters.

Fields that are left blank will be read as zero.

Line 1 - Program Control Parameters Line 1 of the input file contains the following program control parameters:

  • RLIM = The number of modes of vibration used in the calculations (between 1 and 8).

  • IPRINT = Selects one of two options for output printing by the main program as the approximate integration progresses from FTILDA = 0 to FTILDA = some cutoff value. Option 1, obtained by setting IPRINT=1, causes running information to be printed at each sample value of FTILDA in the quadrature. Option 2, obtained by leaving IPRINT blank, suppresses this printing.
These values should be entered with a Fortran 2I5 format.

If this line is blank, this indicates that there is no more data to be entered.

Line 2 - Structural Parameters Line 2 of the input file contains the following structural parameters:

  • H = Height of building in meters

  • BCON = Width of building (i.e., horizontal dimension perpendicular to wind direction) in meters

  • DCON = Depth of building (i.e., horizontal dimension parallel to wind direction) in meters.
These values should be entered with a Fortran 3F10.0 format.
Line 3 - Structural Control Parameters Line 3 of the input file contains the following structural control parameters:

  • EN(I) = Natural frequencies of the building in modes 1, 2, ... in Hertz.
These values should be entered with a Fortran 8F10.0 format. The number of values to be entered is given by the RLIM value entered on Line 1.
Line 4 - Structural Control Parameters Line 4 of the input file contains the following structural control parameters:

  • ZETA(I) = Damping ratios in modes 1, 2, ...
These values should be entered with a Fortran 8F10.0 format. The number of values to be entered is given by the RLIM value entered on Line 1.
Lines 5 and 6 - Structural Control Parameters Lines 5 and 6 of the input file contains the following structural control parameters:

  • XMUTAB(J,I) = the ordinates of the i-th modal shape at specified elevations. Specifically, line 5 is for elevations 0, 1*H/14, 2*H/14, 3*H/14, 4*H/14, 5*H/14, 6*H/14, 7*H/14 and line 6 is for elevations 8*H/14, 9*H/14, 10*H/14, 11*H/14, 12*H/14, 13*H/14, 14*H/14. The value for H is entered on line 2.

    If two or more vibration modes (specified by RLIM given on Line 1) are taken into account in the calculations, then lines 5 and 6 are repeated for each vibration mode (i.e., there will be 2*RLIM lines in all).

These values should be entered with a Fortran 8F10.0 format. Since there are 15 values to be entered for each vibration mode, 8 values will be entered on the first line and 7 values will be entered on the second line (and then repeated for each vibration mode).

Lines 7 and 8 - Structural Control Parameters Lines 7 and 8 of the input file contains the following structural control parameters:

  • Line 7 includes the weight of the building per unit height, XMASS, in Newtons/meter at elevations 0, 1*H/14, 2*H/14, 3*H/14, 4*H/14, 5*H/14, 6*H/14, 7*H/14. Line 8 includes the weight of the building per unit height, XMASS, in Newtons/meter at elevations 8*H/14, 9*H/14, 10*H/14, 11*H/14, 12*H/14, 13*H/14, 14*H/14. The value for H is entered on line 2.

These values should be entered with a Fortran 8F10.0 format. Since there are 15 values to be entered, 8 values will be entered on the first line and 7 values will be entered on the second line.

Line 9 - Micrometerological Parameters Line 9 of the input file contains the following micrometerological parameters:

  • ICODE = Selects parameters corresponding to standard micromereorological conditions for various types of exposure, as fololows:

    1. Option ICODE = 1 causes selection of parameters corresponding to exposure typical of open water.

    2. Option ICODE = 2 causes selection of parameters corresponding to exposure typical of open terrain.

    3. Option ICODE = 3 causes selection of parameters corresponding to exposure typical of suburbs at considerable distances from towns, sites in rural zones sparsely built-up, with trees, hedges, etc.

    4. Option ICODE = 4 causes selection of parameters corresponding to exposure typical of towns, densely built-up suburbs, wooded terrain.

    5. Option ICODE = 5 causes selection of parameters corresponding to exposure typical of centers of large cities.


  • ZPSP = Zero plane displacement in meters. If left blank, standard ZPSP = 0 will be automatically selected.

  • CZ = Exponential decay coefficient for vertical separation in expression for cross-spectra of longitudinal velocity fluctuations. If left blank, standard value CZ = 10 will be automatically selected.

  • CY = Exponential decay coefficient for horizontal separation in expression for cross-spectra of longitudinal velocity fluctuations. If left blank, standard value CY = 16 will be automatically selected.

  • BETACN = Ratio (RMS of longitudinal turbulent fluctuations)/(USTAR2). If left blank, standard value for exposure corresponding to chosen value of ICODE will be automatically selected.

  • F1 = Peak similarity coordinate (see reference 3, equation 9). If left blank standard value F1 = 0.03 will be automatically selected.

  • FS = Value of similarity coordinate beyond which similarity representation of longitudinal turbulence spectra holds. (See reference 3, equation 10). If left blank, standard value FS = 0.2 will be automatically selected.
These values should be entered with a Fortran I5,5X,7F10.0 format.

References pertaining to micrometeorological parameters used in this program are:

  1. J. Bietry, c. Sacre, and E. Simiu (1978), "Mean Wind Profiles and Change of Terrain Roughness," Journal of the Structural Division, ASCE, pp. 1585-1593.

  2. B. J. Vickery (1970), "On the Reliability of Gust Loading Factors," Proceedings of Technical Meeting Concerning Wind Loads on Buildings and Structures held at the National Bureau of Standards 1969, Building Science Series 30, National Bureau of Standards.

  3. E. Simiu (1974), "Wind Spectra and Dynamic Along-Wind Response," Journal of the Structural Division, ASCE, pp. 1897-1910.
Line 10 - Climatological Parameters Line 10 of the input file contains the following climatological parameters:

  • JCODE = If the specified wind speed at 10 meters above ground in open terrain, U10, is given as a mean hourly speed in meters/sec., then set JCODE = 1. If U10 is given as a fastest-mile speed in miles/hour, then set JCODE = 2.

  • U10 = Specified wind speed at 10 m. above ground in open terrain.

  • T = Duration of storms in seconds. If left blank, standard value T = 3600 sec. will be automatically selected.

  • P = Retardation factor (see reference 1 quoted above). If left blank, standard value will be automatically selected.
These values should be entered with a Fortran I5,5X,3F10.0 format.
Line 11 - Aerodynamic Parameters Line 11 of the input file contains the following aerodynamic parameters:

  • CW = Mean pressure coefficient on windward side. If left blank, value CW = 0.8 will be automatically selected.

  • CL = Absolute value of mean suction coefficient on leeward side. If left blank, value CL = 0.5 will be automatically selected.

  • RHO = Specific weight of air. If Left blank, value RHO = 12.258 newtons/meter3 will be automatically selected.

These values should be entered with a Fortran 3F10.0 format.
Multiple Datasets If several sets of data are used, the above sequence of command lines can simply be repeated for each set of data. A blank line should follow the last line of data of the last set of data to indicate that there is no more data.
Sample Input File The following is a sample input file.
317.5     38.1      38.1
.1        .3
.01       .03
.0        .1        .2        .3        .4        .5        .6        .7
.8        .9        1.        1.1       1.2       1.3       1.4
.0        .2        .3        .4        .5        .4        .3        .2
.1        .0        -.1       -.2       -.3       -.4       -.5
4117500.  4117500.  4117500.  4117500.  4117500.  4117500.  4117500.  4117500.
4117500.  4117500.  4117500.  4117500.  4117500.  4117500.  4117500.
    2     75.

Note that this input file ends with 2 blank lines. The first blank line is the aerodynamic line (the blank line for this indicates that default values are used for these parameters) and the second blank line indicates that there are no additional datasets to process.

Note also that many fields are left blank. These blank fields indicate that default values should be used.

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Date created: 12/12/2015
Last updated: 04/26/2023
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