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Dataplot Commands for Load Cell Calibration Study
Set Software Options and Get Started
reset data
reset plot control
dimension 100 variables
tic mark offset units absolute
tic mark offset 2 2
ylabel offset units absolute
ylabel offset 11
label case asis
title case asis
title displacement 1.5
char x
lines blank

skip 25
read pontius.dat Deflection Load
Fit and Validate Initial Model
title Scatter Plot of Deflection vs. Load
x1label Load
y1label Deflection
plot Deflection Load

linear fit Deflection Load

title Data & Predicted Values from Straight Line Fit vs. Load
x1label Load
y1label Deflection
plot Deflection pred vs Load

title Residuals vs. Load
x1label Load
y1label Residuals
plot res Load

title Residuals vs. Predicted Values from Straight Line Fit
x1label Predicted Values
y1label Residuals
plot res pred

title automatic
4plot res

linear fit Deflection Load
Fit and Validate Refined Model
title Residuals vs. Load
x1label Load
y1label Residuals
plot res Load

quadratic fit Deflection Load

title Data & Predicted Values from Quadratic Fit vs. Load
x1label Load
y1label Deflection
plot Deflection pred vs Load

title Residuals vs. Load
x1label Load
y1label Residuals
plot res Load

title Residuals vs. Predicted Values from Quadratic Fit
x1label Predicted Values
y1label Residuals
plot res pred

title automatic
4plot res
Use the Model to Make a Calibrated Measurement
let nd = normal random numbers for i = 1 1 1
let nd = nd*0.0002051768 + 1.239600
set write decimals  6
print nd

let ndp = nd(1)
let lb = 1500000
let ub = 2000000
let function f = a0 + a1*load + a2*load**2 - ndp
let nl = roots f wrt load for load = lb to ub
set write decimals 0
print nl

skip 0
read DPST4F.DAT junk1 junk2
let b11 = junk2(1)
let b21 = junk2(2)
let b31 = junk2(3)
let b12 = junk2(4)
let b22 = junk2(5)
let b32 = junk2(6)
let b13 = junk2(7)
let b23 = junk2(8)
let b33 = junk2(9)
let function f0 = b11
let function f1 = (b12 + b21)*load
let function f2 = (b13 + b22 + b31)*load**2
let function f3 = (b23 + b32)*load**3
let function f4 = b33*load**4
let function fall = f0 + f1 + f2 + f3 + f4
let n = size load
let df = n - 3
let tval = tppf(0.975,df)
let function flb = f + tval*ressd*sqrt(1 + fall) 
let nllb = roots flb wrt load for load = lb to ub
let function fub = f - tval*ressd*sqrt(1 + fall) 
let nlub = roots fub wrt load for load = lb to ub
set write decimals 0
print nllb nl nlub
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