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Dataplot Commands for Sonoluminescent Light Intensity Case Study
Set Software Options and Get Started
. Starting Light Intensity Case Study
. Setting Dataplot Defaults

reset data
reset plot control
dimension 100 variables
tic mark offset units data
xtic offset 0.5 0.5
legend case asis
label case asis
title case asis
char x
lines blank
.  Following 2 lines for better looking gif files
frame thickness 0.15
tic mark thickness 0.15
. Finished Setting Defaults
. Starting Step 1.1
skip 25
read inn.dat y x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 x7
variable label y Sonoluminescent Light Intensity
variable label x1 sp()cr()Molarity
variable label x2 Solutecr()Type
variable label x3 ph
variable label x4 Gascr()Type
variable label x5 Watercr()Depth
variable label x6 Horncr()Depth
variable label x7 Flaskcr()Clamp
.  Following lines for confounding structure
let k = 7
let string project = Sonoluminescent Light Intensity
let kp1 = k+1
let kp2 = k+2
let n = number y
let index = sequence 1 1 n
call confound.dp
. Finished Step 1.1: Page Back for Output
Ordered Data Plot
. Starting Step 2.1
tic offset 5 5
tic offset units screen
box shadow hw 0 0
title Sonoluminescent Light Intensity cr()Ordered Data Plot
device 1 off
ytic offset 0 0
plot y
probe fy1min; let mintic = probeval
probe fy1max; let maxtic = probeval
let rangetic = maxtic-mintic
ytic offset 5 5
device 1 on
loop for j = 1 1 k
   let z^j = x^j
end loop
let y2 = sortc y z1 z2 z3 z4 z5 z6 z7
char x
lines blank
y1label Light Intensity
x1label Settings
x1tics off
x1tic labels off
xmin -1
let yoffset = 2*k + 4
y1tic offset yoffset 5
plot y2 index
probe fy1min; let ybottom = probeval
probe fy1max; let ytop = probeval
let ybase = 20+yoffset-2
let yinc = 2
just center
loop for j = 1 1 k
   let ypos = ybase-j*yinc
   loop for l = 1 1 n
      let xpos = xplot(l)
      let zjl = z^j(l)
      let string ch = -
      if zjl = 1; let string ch = +; end if
      moveds xpos ypos
      text ^ch
   end loop
   move 20 ypos
   text X^j:
end loop
call dexkn.dp
x1tics on
x1tic labels on
y1tic offset 5 5
just left
xtic offset units data
xtic offset 0.5 0.5
ytic offset 0 0
. Finished Step 2.1: Page Back for Output
Dex Scatter Plot
. Starting Step 2.2
title Sonoluminescent Light Intensity cr()Scatter Plot
xlimits 1 7
major x1tic mark number 7
minor x1tic mark number 0
xtic offset 0.6 0.6
x1tic mark label format alpha
x1tic mark label content ^x1 ^x2 ^x3 ^x4 ^x5 ^x6 ^x7
y1label ^y
line solid all
line blank
char blank all
char x
dex scatter plot y x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 x7
limits freeze
pre-erase off
char bl all
lines solid all
let k2 = 2*k
plot yplot xplot xplot subset tagplot 1 to k2
pre-erase on
let dxplot = distinct xplot
let dxplot = sort dxplot
let ndxplot = number dxplot
let b = 18
just cece
loop for j = 1 1 ndxplot
   let a = dxplot(j)
   moveds a b
   let evenodd = mod(j,2)
   if evenodd = 1
      text -
   end if
   if evenodd = 0
      text +
   end if
end loop
box 15 85 21 90
hw 2 1
just left
move 16 87.75
text k = ^k
move 16 85.75
text n = ^n
line blank
x1tic mark label format
major x1tic mark number
minor x1tic mark number
xtic offset 0.5 0.5
. Finished Step 2.2: Page Back for Output
Dex Mean Plot
. Starting Step 2.3
title Sonoluminescent Light Intensity cr()Main Effects Plot
xlimits 1 7
major xtic mark number 7
minor xtic mark number 0
xtic offset 0.6 0.6
xtic mark label format alpha
xtic mark label content ^x1 ^x2 ^x3 ^x4 ^x5 ^x6 ^x7
y1label Average Response of ^y
ytic offset 5 5
char circle
char fill on
line solid
dex mean plot y x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 x7
let dxplot = distinct xplot
let dxplot = sort dxplot
let ndxplot = number dxplot
let b = 18
just cece
loop for j = 1 1 ndxplot
   let a = dxplot(j)
   moveds a b
   let evenodd = mod(j,2)
   if evenodd = 1
      text -
   end if
   if evenodd = 0
      text +
   end if
end loop
call dexkn.dp
char x
char fill off
line blank
xtic mark label format real
major xtic mark number default
minor xtic mark number default
xtic offset 0.5 0.5
ytic offset 0 0
. Finished Step 2.3: Page Back for Output
Dex Interaction Effects Plot
. Starting Step 3.1
variable label y  Y
variable label x1 X1
variable label x2 X2
variable label x3 X3
variable label x4 X4
variable label x5 X5
variable label x6 X6
variable label x7 X7
device 1 off
dex mean plot y x1 to x^k
device 1 on
let numfac = k
let ybar = mean y
let ybar2 = abs(ybar)
let lybar2 = log10(ybar2)
if lybar2 >= 0
   let lybar3 = int(lybar2)
end if
if lybar2 < 0
   let lybar3 = -int(abs(lybar2))-1
end if
let dp = 3-lybar3
if dp < 0
   let dp = 0
end if
let string stat = mean
ylimits freeze
let string s0 = Average Y
y1label displacement 30
loop for j = 1 1 k
   let string s^j = X^j
end loop
major ytic mark number 5
call dexstat2.dp
multiplot off
move 50 95
just center
hw 2 1
text Sonoluminescent Light Intensity cr()Interaction Effects Matrix
y1label displacement
major ytic mark number
variable label y Sonoluminescent Light Intensity
variable label x1 sp()cr()Molarity
variable label x2 Solutecr()Type
variable label x3 ph
variable label x4 Gascr()Type
variable label x5 Watercr()Depth
variable label x6 Horncr()Depth
variable label x7 Flaskcr()Clamp
. Finished Step 3.1: Page Back for Output
Block Plots
. Starting Step 3.2
char blank all
char - +
lines solid all
lines bl bl
x1tics off
x1tic labels off
char hw 5 4 5 4
legend 1 hw 5 4
tic label size 8
label size 9
y1label Average Response
y1label displacement 20
multiplot 3 3
multiplot corner coordinates 10 8 95 90
legend 1 coordinates 18 85
legend 1 x1
x1label Factor Combinations: X2 X3
mean block plot y x2 x3 x1
legend 1 x2
x1label Factor Combinations: X1 X3
mean block plot y x1 x3 x2
legend 1 x3
x1label Factor Combinations: X1 X2
mean block plot y x1 x2 x3
legend 1 x4
x1label Factor Combinations: X1 X2
mean block plot y x1 x2 x4
legend 1 x5
x1label Factor Combinations: X1 X2
mean block plot y x1 x2 x5
legend 1 x6
x1label Factor Combinations: X1 X2
mean block plot y x1 x2 x6
legend 1 x7
x1label Factor Combinations: X1 X2
mean block plot y x1 x2 x7
multiplot corner coordinates 15 20 85 90
multiplot off
move 50 95
just center
hw 2 1
text Sonoluminescent Light Intensity
move 50 92
just center
hw 2 1
text Block Plots
legend 1
x1tics on
x1tic labels on
char hw 2 1 all
legend 1 hw 2 1
label size 2
tic label size 2
y1label displacement default
. Finished Step 3.2: Page Back for Output
Youden Plot
. Starting Step 5.1
tic offset units screen
tic offset 5 5
yates y
skip 0
read dpst1f.dat tag coef
device 1 off
dex mean plot y x1 to x^k
device 1 on
let numtag = number tag
loop for j = 1 1 numtag
   let posint = tag(j)
   call digit.dp
   let prod = ^sdigit
   let ymeanp(j) = mean y subset prod +1
   let ymeanm(j) = mean y subset prod -1
end loop
let effect = ymeanp - ymeanm
char blank all
char automatic tag
lines blank all
probe fy1min; let ybottom = probeval
probe fy1max; let ytop = probeval
. let a = 50
. let b = 80
let ydel = ytop-ybottom
let a = ybottom + (1/14)*ydel; . 1/14 is correct for offset 5 5
let b = ytop - (1/14)*ydel
ylimits a b
xlimits a b
title displacement 6
title ^project cr() Youden Plot
y1label Average Response for  +  Setting
x1label Average Response for  -  Setting
let numeffec = number tag
let index2 = sequence 1 1 numeffec
plot ymeanp ymeanm index2
lines solid
draw data ybar a ybar b
draw data a ybar b ybar
let numyplot = number yplot
just lece
loop for j = 1 1 numyplot
   let yplotj = yplot(j)
   movesd 86 yplotj
   let tagj = tag(j)
   let string ch = ^con^tagj:
.  text ^tagj
   text ^ch
   movesd 89 yplotj
   let string ch = ^cop^tagj
   text ^ch
end loop
move 86 90
text Factor: Confound
loop for j = 1 1 numeffec
   let xpos = ymeanm(j)
   let ypos = ymeanp(j)
   let tagj = tag(j)
   let string ch = ^con^tagj
   movedata xpos ypos
   just cece
   text ^ch
end loop
call dexkn.dp
line solid all
line blank
character blank all
character x
 title displacement
tic offset units data
xtic offset 0.5 0.5
ytic offset 0 0
. Finished Step 5.1: Page Back for Output
Plot of Absolute Value of Effects
. Starting Step 6.1
call yatesgen.dp
title displacement 7
tic offset units screen
tic offset 5 5
title Sonoluminescent Light Intensity cr()|Effects| Plot
y1label |Effects|
x1label Factor
xtics off
xtic label off
y1tic offset 10
char circle
char hw 1 1
char fill on
lines blank
spike on
let s = sd y
let coef2 = abs(coef)
plot coef2 index2
hw 2 1
if n > 20; hw 1.5 .75; end if
just cece
loop for j = 1 1 numeffec
   let x0 = xplot(j)
   let evenodd = mod(j,2)
   let y0 = 23
   if evenodd = 0; let y0 = 27; end if
   if n < 10; let y0 = 27; end if
   moveds x0 y0
   let tagj = tag(j)
   let string ch = ^con^tagj
.  text ^tagj
   text ^ch
end loop
let x0 = 57
let y0 = 86-2*numeffec-2
box fill on; box fill pattern solid; box fill color g80
box x0 y0 85 90
lines dotted
draw x0 87 85 87
hw 2 1
just left
let y0 = 88
let x0 = 60
move x0 y0
text Factor
let x0 = 70
move x0 y0
text Effect
let y0 = 86
loop for j = 1 1 numeffec
   let x0 = 60
   let y0 = y0-2
   move x0 y0
   let tagj = tag(j)
   let string ch = ^cop^tagj
   text ^ch
   let x0 = 74
   move x0 y0
   let coefj = coef(j)
   text : ^coefj
end loop
let x0 = 35
let y0 = 87
box 15 90 x0 y0
let y0 = 88
let x0 = 17
move x0 y0
let ybar = average y
text Average = ^ybar
let numyplot = number yplot
just lece
loop for j = 1 1 numyplot
   let yplotj = yplot(j)
   movesd 86 yplotj
   let tagj = tag(j)
   let string ch = ^con^tagj:
   text ^ch
   movesd 89 yplotj
   let string ch = ^cop^tagj
   text ^ch
end loop
move 86 90
text Factor: Confound
grid off
y1tic offset 5
x1tics on
x1tic label on
char blank all
char hw 2 1
lines solid all
spike off
just left
tic offset 5 5
. Finished Step 6.1: Page Back for Output
Half-Normal Probability Plot of Effects
. Starting Step 7.1
tic offset units screen
tic offset 5 5
label size 4
tic label size 4
yates y
skip 0
read dpst1f.dat tag coef
let coef2 = abs(coef)
char x
lines bl
title displacement 6
title Sonoluminescent Light Intensity cr() Half-normal Probability Plot of Effects
y1label Ordered |Effects|
x1label Half-normal Distribution Order Statistic Medians
halfnormal probability plot coef2
let numyplot = number yplot
just lece
loop for j = 1 1 numyplot
   let yplotj = yplot(j)
   movesd 86 yplotj
   let jrev = numyplot-j+1
   let tagjrev = tag(jrev)
   let string ch = ^con^tagjrev:
.  text ^tagjrev
   text ^ch
   movesd 89 yplotj
   let string ch = ^cop^tagjrev
   text ^ch
end loop
move 86 90
text Factor: Conf.
call dexkn.dp
just left
title displacement 2
tic offset units data
xtic offet 0.5 0.5
ytic offset 0 0
. Finished Step 7.1: Page Back for Output
Cumulative Residuals SD Plot
. Starting Step 8.1
call yatesgen.dp
y1label Residual SD
x1label Cumulative Model
x1tics off
x1tic label off
y1tic offset 10
char circle
char hw 1 1
char fill on
lines blank
spike on
let numeffec = number tag
let numeffp1 = numeffec+1
let index2 = sequence 1 1 numeffec
let s = sd y
let cumrsd(numeffp1) = s
let index2(numeffp1) = 0
plot cumrsd index2
hw 2 1
if n > 20; hw 1.5 .75; end if
just cece
loop for j = 1 1 numeffec
   let x0 = xplot(j)
   let evenodd = mod(j,2)
   let y0 = 23
   if evenodd = 0; let y0 = 27; end if
   if n < 10; let y0 = 27; end if
   moveds x0 y0
   let tagj = tag(j)
   let string ch = ^con^tagj
.  text ^tagj
   text ^ch
end loop
moveds 0 27
if n <= 20; text Average; end if
if n > 20; text Ave.; end if
let numyplot = number yplot
let numyplm1 = numyplot-1
just lece
loop for j = 1 1 numyplm1
   let yplotj = yplot(j)
   movesd 86 yplotj
   let tagj = tag(j)
   let string ch = ^con^tagj:
.  text ^tagj
   text ^ch
   movesd 89 yplotj
   let string ch = ^cop^tagj
   text ^ch
end loop
let j = numyplot
let yplotj = yplot(j)
movesd 86 yplotj
text Average
move 86 90
text Factor: Confound
move 50 97
just center
hw 3 1.5
text Sonoluminescent Light Intensity
move 50 93
text Cumulative Residual SD Plot
box 15 85 21 90
hw 2 1; just left; move 16 87.75; text k = ^k
move 16 85.75; text n = ^n
grid off
y1tic offset 5
x1tics on
x1tic label on
char blank all
char hw 2 1
lines solid all
spike off
just left
tic offset 5 5
hw 2 1
. Finished Step 8.1: Page Back for Output
Dex Contour Plot of Factors 1 and 2
. Starting Step 9.1
line solid
character blank
device 1 off
ytic offset 0 0
plot y
probe fy1min; let mintic = probeval
probe fy1max; let maxtic = probeval
let rangetic = maxtic-mintic
let sigdig = msd(rangetic)
let inc = rangetic/sigdig
let numinc = rangetic/inc
let inc2 = inc
if numinc = 1; let inc2 = inc/10; end if
if numinc = 2; let inc2 = inc/5; end if
if numinc = 3; let inc2 = inc/3; end if
if numinc = 4; let inc2 = inc/2; end if
if numinc = 5; let inc2 = inc/2; end if
if numinc = 6; let inc2 = inc/2; end if
ytic offset 5 5
device 1 on
call yatesgen.dp
let tagj = tag(1)
let posint = ^con^tagj
call digit.dp
let numdig1 = numdig
let d1 = digit(1)
if numdig1 >= 2; let d2 = digit(2); end if
let tagj = tag(2)
let posint = ^con^tagj
call digit.dp
let numdig2 = numdig
let d3 = digit(1)
if numdig2 >= 2; let d4 = digit(2); end if
print numdig1 d1 d2 numdig2 d3 d4
if numdig1 >= 2
   let u1 = x^d1; let hit1 = d1
   let u2 = x^d2; let hit2 = d2
end if
if numdig1 = 1
   let u1 = x^d1; let hit1 = d1
   let u2 = x^d3; let hit2 = d3
   if numdig2 >= 2
      if d3 = d1; let u2 = x^d4; let hit2 = d4; end if
      if d4 = d1; let u2 = x^d3; let hit2 = d3; end if
   end if
end if
let start = mintic - 3*inc2
let stop = maxtic + 3*inc2
let ycont = sequence start inc2 stop
y1label X^hit2
x1label X^hit1
call dexcont.dp
case asis
move 50 97
just center
hw 3 1.5
text Sonoluminescent Light Intensity
move 50 93
text Contour Plot of the 2 Dominant Factors: X^hit1 and X^hit2
. Finished Step 9.1: Page Back for Output
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