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4.6 International Standards Activities

Carroll Croarkin
Statistical Engineering Division, ITL

The Statistical Engineering Division supports the development of international standards, particularly those that impact measurement science, via participation on ISO Technical Committee 69 on Statistical Methods and sub-committee SC 6 on Measurement Methods. Clients for TC 69 standards are US industry and other technical committees of ISO which produce standards with statistical content.

Currently, a document on Capability of Detection, which outlines statistical methods for quantifying the smallest amout of a trace element that can be detected by an instrument, is under development. A document on Specification Limits is also under development. It has twin goals of outlining methods for the producer to set specification limts and methods for the consumer to test product for conformance against the agreed upon limits.

Croarkin is convenor of a new working group, ISO/TC69/SC6/WG7, which will report on the relationship between the ISO Guide to the Expression of Uncertainty in Measurement (GUM) and ISO 5752 - Accuracy of Measurement Methods and Results. This report is expected to provde the framework for SC 6 to develop a document, or series of documents, on statistical methods to be used in conjunction with the GUM to assess uncertainties associated with measurement results.

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Date created: 7/20/2001
Last updated: 7/20/2001
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