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Dataplot Vol 1 Vol 2


    Analysis Command
    Perform a limits of detection (LOD) analysis based on the ASTM E-2677 standard.
    There are a number of approaches to determining a limits of detection. This command implements the method given in

      E2677 - 14 "Standard Test Method for Determining Limits of Detection in Explosive Trace Detectors," ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO BOX C700, West Conshohoceken, PA 19428-2959, USA.

    The mathematical basis for this method is given in

      Rukhin, A. L. and Samarov, D. V., "Limit of Detection Determination for Censored Samples," Chemometrics and Intelligent Laboratory Systems, Vol 105, 2011, pp. 188-194.

    Although this method was developed in the context of explosive trace detectors, its use is not limited to this application. We do not give the detailed mathematical formulation here (see the Rukhin and Samarov paper). The following is a brief discussion of this standard.

    ASTM subcommittee E54.01 has developed a Standard Test Method for the determination of Limit of Detection (LOD) in trace explosive detectors. The Method was developed following ISO-IUPAC guidelines that harmonize concepts of detection limits and considers the observed behaviors of response signals in a wide range of trace detectors. Here, the LOD90 is defined as the lowest amount of a particular substance for which there is 90% confidence that a single measurement will have a true detection probability of at least 90% while the true non-detection probability of a realistic process blank is at least 90%. The LOD90 value is therefore a directly useful metric of trace detector performance and reliability, since the value reflects the practical detection capability of the detector system, influenced by the inherent sensitivity, selectivity, and response variability of the system under realistic deployment conditions.

    The standard specifies the LOD90 value which is based on a false positive probability of 10%. You can specify an arbitrary false positive probability level by entering the command

      LET ALPHA = <value>

    The most typical values for ALPHA are 0.10 (LOD90), 0.05 (LOD95), or 0.01 (LOD99) with the default being 0.10.

    Ideally, the data for the limits of detection should include a large number of process blank replicates as well as detector responses from a large number of replicates from two mass levels closely straddling the actual LOD90 mass level.

    By this strategy, the Method is insensitive to many pitfalls that are encountered in commercial trace detectors, including detector response saturation, truncated response distributions, and response heteroscedasticity, i.e. changes in response variation with signal level. Practicalities dictate, however, that a limited number of replicates be analyzed and that mass levels be selected that are wide enough apart to guarantee the straddling of the unknown LOD90 value. By setting the minimum number of required replicates to ten, and by utilizing a short sequence of mass levels that increase by a factor of three, data for the calculation of an adequate LOD90 estimate may be obtained. This limits of detection method has been tested and validated with real and simulated data possessing several types of error structure.

    The data for the limits of detection command must be replicated mass-response pairs with the following requirements:

    1. at least 10 replications per level
    2. at least three distinct levels, including one for process blank response (mass = 0)

    Dimensional units for mass levels and responses, while not identified, must be consistent. The limit of detection is reported in the same dimensional units as the mass inputs.

    Before calculating the limit of detection, the following data quality checks are performed (the limits of detection will not be calculated if these conditions are not satisfied):

    1. Less than 10 replicates in any level
    2. Less than three distinct levels
    3. Absence of a process blank level (mass = 0)
    4. Unequal number of values for the mass and the the repsonse
    5. Responses in the highest mass level are not significantly different from those in the process blank level

    If data quality passes, estimates will be returned for the limit of detection and the 90% upper confidence LOD90 limit (a measure of uncertainty). Results may also be returned with a message that data quality was marginal, and offer a suggestion for improving the quality.

    The LOD90 value determined is the best estimate of the minimum mass of a particular analyte required to elicit a real and reliable response in the detector tested. This minimum detector response is the Critical Value (CV, an optional printed output), which should relate to the peak detection threshold value that can usually be set manually in the trace detector. The peak detection threshold value is usually set higher than the CV unless the LOD90 is determined using realistic chemical background.

    Caveat: The LOD90 determination assumes normality for the non-zero measurements. If your data is not normal or contains significant outliers, the LOD90 value will still be calculated. However, non-normality or outliers can result in larges biases for the LOD90 estimate. Measurement data is often skewed right. In this case, you may want to take the log of the non-zero values before using the LIMITS OF DETECTION command (i.e., a lognormal model of the data might be more realistic than a normal model).

    To check for outliers and non-normality, the following analyses and graphs may be useful.

    1. Perform a Grubbs test for a single outlier for each level of the mass for the non-zero measurements.

    2. Generate a scatter plot of the measurements against their associated mass levels.

    3. Generate a multiplot showing a normal probability plot of the non-zero measurements for each distinct level of the mass.

    In addition to the LOD value and confidence limit, two tables are generated.

    1. The first table provides a summary of the number of zero and non-zero response values, the mean, and the standard deviation for each mass level.

    2. The second table contains estimates obtained from the LOD computations for each mass level. The last 4 columns are of particular interest.

      • Column 4 contains the LOD estimate based on the cumulated sample. The final LOD90 estimate should be one of the values from this column.

      • Column 5 contains the standard error of the LOD estimate in Column 4.

      • Column 6 contains the 90% upper confidence limit of the LOD value.

      • Column 7 contains an upper tolerance limit on the LOD.
Syntax 1:
    LIMITS OF DETECTION <y> <x>             <SUBSET/EXCEPT/FOR qualification>
    where <y> is a response variable;
                <x> is a variable containing the mass levels;
    and where the <SUBSET/EXCEPT/FOR qualification> is optional.

    Although it is typical for the data to be sorted by the value of the mass level, this is not required. The <y> and <x> variables must have the same length.

Syntax 2:
                            <SUBSET/EXCEPT/FOR qualification>
    where <y> is a response variable;
                <x> is a variable containing the mass levels;
                <batch> is a group-id variable;
    and where the <SUBSET/EXCEPT/FOR qualification> is optional.

    This syntax can be used when multiple analytes are being tested. Each distinct value of <batch> denotes a specific analyte for which a limit of detection will be computed. So if <batch> has three distinct values, three limit of detection computations will be performed.

    Although it is typical that the data be sorted by the value of the group-id variable and for the data within a specific group to be sorted by the mass level, this is not required. The <y>, <x> and <batch> variables must have the same length.

    The word REPLICATION is optional. If exactly three variables are specified, the REPLICATION option is assumed.

Syntax 3:
    MULTIPLE LIMITS OF DETECTION <y1> ... <yk> <x>
                            <SUBSET/EXCEPT/FOR qualification>
    where <y1> ... <yk> is a list of 1 to 30 response variables;
                <x> is a variable containing the mass levels;
    and where the <SUBSET/EXCEPT/FOR qualification> is optional.

    This syntax can be used when multiple analytes are being tested. Note that this syntax assumes each analyte has the same mass variable. If this is not the case, the REPLICATED syntax should be used.

    Although it is typical for the data to be sorted by the value of the mass level, this is not required. All the variables must have the same length.

    For this syntax, the word MULTIPLE is required.

    The following commands can be used to specify variuous probability levels

      LET ALPHA = <value>
        = probability of a false positive (no signal, alarm)
      LET BETA = = probability of a false negative (signal, no alarm) LET GAMMA = = confidence level for the LOD and the tolerance bound LET PA = = the coverage level for the tolerance bound

    The default for all four of the above is 0.10. Values greater than 0.5 are interpreted as 1 - the value (i.e., entering .9 is equivalent to entering 0.1).

    Some instruments may provide a vendor supplied critical value. To specify a pre-defined critical value, enter

      LET CRITICAL VALUE = <value>

    If no critical value is given, the critical value is estimated from the data. This value should typically only be given if supplied by the vendor for a specific instrument.

    The data quality checks are typically based on 90% of the values being either zero or 90% of the values being non-zero. To specify a different threshold percentage for the data quality checks, enter

      LET THRESPR = <value>

    where <value> is between 80 and 100. Values between 90 and 100 are most common and a value outside the (80,100) interval will be set to the default of 90.

    The defaults for all of the above parameters are those specified in the E-2677 standard.

    The following commands can be used to control what output is returned from the LIMITS OF DETECTION command


    To specify whether the critical value is printed, enter


    All of the above are ON by default.

    There are two methods for computing the critical value from the data. One is based on quantiles of the data and the other is based on the quantile of a normal distribution. To specify which method to use, enter


    The default is QUANTILE.

    By default, Dataplot writes the values from the Summary Table to dpst1f.dat and the values from the LOD Table to dpst2f.dat. You can control whether the dpst1f.dat and dpst2f.dat files are generated by entering


    The default is ON. Note that if the REPLICATION or MULTIPLE option is used to generate multiple limits of detection analyses, only the last limit of detection analysis will be contained in dpst1f.dat and dpst2f.dat.

    By default, Dataplot saves the following parameters

      LOD = The LOD value.
      LODSE = The standard error of the LOD value.
      LODCV = The critical value.
      LODUCL = The upper confidence limit for the LOD value.

    If you use the MULTIPLE or REPLICATION options, these values are written to dpst3f.dat instead. Each row of dpst3f.dat will contain the values for a specific limits of detection analysis.

    You can use the CAPTURE HTML command to generate these tables in HTML format. You can use the CAPTURE LATEX command to generate these tables in Latex format. You can use the CAPTURE RTF command to generate these tables in Rich Text Format (RTF).
    A unique feature of this standard is that a web-based calculator is defined as part of the standard. This web-based calculator uses Dataplot as the computational back-end to generate the limits of detection analysis and to generate the supplementatry graphs and outlier analysis.

    The URL for this web-based calculator is

Related Commands: Reference:
    Rukhin, A. L. and Samarov, D. V., "Limit of Detection Determination for Censored Samples," Chemometrics and Intelligent Laboratory Systems, Vol 105, 2011, pp. 188-194.

    E2677 - 14 "Standard Test Method for Determining Limits of Detection in Explosive Trace Detectors," ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO BOX C700, West Conshohoceken, PA 19428-2959, USA.

    Currie, L.A. (1999), "Detection and quantification limits: origins and historical overview," Analytica Chimica Acta 391, 103-134.

    Detection Limits
Implementation Date:
    2011/01: Allow user-specified crtical value
    2012/01: Options for which outputs are printed
    2014/03: E2677 adopted, a few tweaks in the output to be consistent with the standard
    2018/07: Modified to accomodate negative response values
    2018/11: Support for REPLICATION/MULTIPLE options
    2018/11: A few minor tweaks in the output format
Program 1:
    . Step 1:   Read the data
    dimension 40 columns
    skip 25
    set read format f4.0,2f15.1,4f15.0
    read std_lod.txt x y1 to y6
    skip 0
    set read format
    . Step 2:   Run the limits of detection command
    .           and the Grubbs test for outliers
    set write decimals 4
    limits of detection y1 x
    print " "
    print " "
    replicated grubbs test y1 x  subset y1 > 0
    The following output is generated
                 Limits of Detection Analysis
                 (Based on ASTM E-2677 Standard)
     Response Variable: Y1
     Mass Variable:     X
     Final Estimate:
     Critical Value (Cv90):                          32.7600
     Detection Limit (LOD90):                         1.6418
     90% Upper Confidence Limit on LOD:               2.4654
     Summary Table
                Mass      Number of          Number of            Mean of             SD of
              Values    Zero Values    Non-Zero Values    Non-Zero Values   Non-Zero Values
              0.0000              0                 20            21.1700            6.0745
              1.0000              0                 12            29.8250            8.8439
              3.0000              0                 12            53.9083            6.5607
             10.0000              0                 12           119.2417            7.1701
             30.0000              0                 12           317.1667           13.1563
     LOD Table
                             Linear      StdDev of   LOD Estimate        1-Sigma                       90%-90%
                      Least Squares    Errors From       Based On    Uncertainty      90% Upper          Upper
                Mass          Slope         Linear      Cumulated         on LOD     Confidence      Tolerance
              Values      Estimates          Model         Sample       Estimate   Limit on LOD   Limit on LOD
              0.0000             **             **             **             **             **             **
              1.0000         6.3649         8.8439         2.6813         1.0942        13.9859        23.8593
              3.0000         9.7710         8.0447         1.6418         0.1801         2.4654         4.0708
             10.0000         9.5957         7.6683         1.6215         0.1383         2.1200         3.4476
             30.0000         9.7690         9.2329         1.7980         0.1321         2.2435         3.7266
     ***** NOTE--
           SUBSET VARIABLE = Y1
           SUBSET MINIMUM  =  0.1000000000E-05
           SUBSET MAXIMUM  =  0.3402823000E+39
           INPUT  NUMBER OF OBSERVATIONS  =       68
           OUTPUT NUMBER OF OBSERVATIONS  =       68
                 Grubbs Test for Outliers: Test for Minimum and Maximum
                                (Assumption: Normality)
     Response Variable: Y1
     Factor Variable 1: X                             1.0000
     H0: There are no outliers
     Ha: The extreme point is an outlier
     Potential Outlier Value Tested:                 34.1000
     Summary Statistics:
     Number of Observations:                              20
     Sample Minimum:                                 14.6000
     ID for Sample Minimum:                                3
     Sample Maximum:                                 34.1000
     ID for Sample Maximum:                               18
     Sample Mean:                                    21.1700
     Sample SD:                                       6.0745
     Sample Skewness:                                 1.0107
     Sample Kurtosis:                                 2.8222
     Grubbs Test Statistic Value:                     2.1286
     Percent Points of the Reference Distribution
       Percent Point               Value
                 0.0    =          0.000
                50.0    =          2.121
                75.0    =          2.325
                90.0    =          2.557
                95.0    =          2.708
                97.5    =          2.843
                99.0    =          3.001
               100.0    =          4.249
     Conclusions (Upper 1-Tailed Test)
       Alpha    CDF   Critical Value     Conclusion
         10%    90%            2.557      Accept H0
          5%    95%            2.708      Accept H0
        2.5%  97.5%            2.843      Accept H0
          1%    99%            3.001      Accept H0
                 Grubbs Test for Outliers: Test for Minimum and Maximum
                                (Assumption: Normality)
     Response Variable: Y1
     Factor Variable 1: X                             2.0000
     H0: There are no outliers
     Ha: The extreme point is an outlier
     Potential Outlier Value Tested:                 43.2000
     Summary Statistics:
     Number of Observations:                              12
     Sample Minimum:                                 16.9000
     ID for Sample Minimum:                               29
     Sample Maximum:                                 43.2000
     ID for Sample Maximum:                               22
     Sample Mean:                                    29.8250
     Sample SD:                                       8.8439
     Sample Skewness:                                 0.1240
     Sample Kurtosis:                                 1.8189
     Grubbs Test Statistic Value:                     1.5123
     Percent Points of the Reference Distribution
       Percent Point               Value
                 0.0    =          0.000
                50.0    =          1.886
                75.0    =          2.079
                90.0    =          2.285
                95.0    =          2.411
                97.5    =          2.518
                99.0    =          2.636
               100.0    =          3.175
     Conclusions (Upper 1-Tailed Test)
       Alpha    CDF   Critical Value     Conclusion
         10%    90%            2.285      Accept H0
          5%    95%            2.411      Accept H0
        2.5%  97.5%            2.518      Accept H0
          1%    99%            2.636      Accept H0
                 Grubbs Test for Outliers: Test for Minimum and Maximum
                                (Assumption: Normality)
     Response Variable: Y1
     Factor Variable 1: X                             3.0000
     H0: There are no outliers
     Ha: The extreme point is an outlier
     Potential Outlier Value Tested:                 66.7000
     Summary Statistics:
     Number of Observations:                              12
     Sample Minimum:                                 46.4000
     ID for Sample Minimum:                               44
     Sample Maximum:                                 66.7000
     ID for Sample Maximum:                               34
     Sample Mean:                                    53.9083
     Sample SD:                                       6.5607
     Sample Skewness:                                 0.7109
     Sample Kurtosis:                                 2.5374
     Grubbs Test Statistic Value:                     1.9497
     Percent Points of the Reference Distribution
       Percent Point               Value
                 0.0    =          0.000
                50.0    =          1.886
                75.0    =          2.079
                90.0    =          2.285
                95.0    =          2.411
                97.5    =          2.518
                99.0    =          2.636
               100.0    =          3.175
     Conclusions (Upper 1-Tailed Test)
       Alpha    CDF   Critical Value     Conclusion
         10%    90%            2.285      Accept H0
          5%    95%            2.411      Accept H0
        2.5%  97.5%            2.518      Accept H0
          1%    99%            2.636      Accept H0
                 Grubbs Test for Outliers: Test for Minimum and Maximum
                                (Assumption: Normality)
     Response Variable: Y1
     Factor Variable 1: X                             4.0000
     H0: There are no outliers
     Ha: The extreme point is an outlier
     Potential Outlier Value Tested:                106.1000
     Summary Statistics:
     Number of Observations:                              12
     Sample Minimum:                                106.1000
     ID for Sample Minimum:                               47
     Sample Maximum:                                131.8000
     ID for Sample Maximum:                               53
     Sample Mean:                                   119.2417
     Sample SD:                                       7.1701
     Sample Skewness:                                -0.0836
     Sample Kurtosis:                                 2.4406
     Grubbs Test Statistic Value:                     1.8329
     Percent Points of the Reference Distribution
       Percent Point               Value
                 0.0    =          0.000
                50.0    =          1.886
                75.0    =          2.079
                90.0    =          2.285
                95.0    =          2.411
                97.5    =          2.518
                99.0    =          2.636
               100.0    =          3.175
     Conclusions (Upper 1-Tailed Test)
       Alpha    CDF   Critical Value     Conclusion
         10%    90%            2.285      Accept H0
          5%    95%            2.411      Accept H0
        2.5%  97.5%            2.518      Accept H0
          1%    99%            2.636      Accept H0
                 Grubbs Test for Outliers: Test for Minimum and Maximum
                                (Assumption: Normality)
     Response Variable: Y1
     Factor Variable 1: X                             5.0000
     H0: There are no outliers
     Ha: The extreme point is an outlier
     Potential Outlier Value Tested:                337.6000
     Summary Statistics:
     Number of Observations:                              12
     Sample Minimum:                                297.9000
     ID for Sample Minimum:                               64
     Sample Maximum:                                337.6000
     ID for Sample Maximum:                               66
     Sample Mean:                                   317.1667
     Sample SD:                                      13.1563
     Sample Skewness:                                -0.1358
     Sample Kurtosis:                                 1.8576
     Grubbs Test Statistic Value:                     1.5531
     Percent Points of the Reference Distribution
       Percent Point               Value
                 0.0    =          0.000
                50.0    =          1.886
                75.0    =          2.079
                90.0    =          2.285
                95.0    =          2.411
                97.5    =          2.518
                99.0    =          2.636
               100.0    =          3.175
     Conclusions (Upper 1-Tailed Test)
       Alpha    CDF   Critical Value     Conclusion
         10%    90%            2.285      Accept H0
          5%    95%            2.411      Accept H0
        2.5%  97.5%            2.518      Accept H0
          1%    99%            2.636      Accept H0
    . Step 3:   Generate the scatter plot of the data
    character x all
    line blank all
    label case asis
    y1label displacement 10
    x1label Mass Level
    y1label Measurement Response
    tic offset units screen
    tic offset 5 5
    plot y1 x
    tic offset units
    tic offset 0 0

    plot generated by sample program

    . . Step 4: Generate the scatter plot of the data but . restrict plot to levels around critical value . . Determine smallest level with . . 1. All response values greater than the critical value . 2. First mass level greater than LOD value . set let cross tabulate collapse let yminv = cross tabulate minimum y1 x let xd = distinct x let xd = sort xd let nd = size xd let nval1 = 0 let nval1 = size yminv subset yminv < lodcv let nval1 = nval1 + 1 . let nval2 = nd loop for k = 1 1 nd let aval = xd(k) if aval > lod let nval2 = k break loop end of if end of loop . let nval = max(nval1,nval2) let xval = xd(nval) let xval = max(xval,lod) let lodrnd = round(lod,2) let cvrnd = round(lodcv,2) . character x all character hw 2.0 1.50 all line blank all label case asis y1label displacement 10 x1label Mass Level y1label Measurement Response title Critical Value: ^cvrnd, LOD: ^lodrnd tic offset units screen tic offset 5 5 plot y1 x subset x <= xval line dash line color red drawsdsd 15 lodcv 85 lodcv drawdsds lod 20 lod 90 line blank line color black label title character hw 1.0 0.75 all tic offset units tic offset 0 0

    plot generated by sample program

    . . Step 5: Generate a normal probability plot for the levels . let ymin = minimum y1 let ytemp = y1 let xtemp = x if ymin >= 0 retain ytemp xtemp subset ytemp > 0 end of if let xdist = distinct xtemp let xdist = sort xdist let ndist = size xdist . let ntemp = sqrt(ndist) let ntemp = int(ntemp+1) let nrow = ntemp let ncol = ntemp if ndist <= 9 let nrow = 3 let ncol = 3 end of if if ndist <= 6 let nrow = 2 let ncol = 3 end of if if ndist <= 4 let nrow = 2 let ncol = 2 end of if . multiplot nrow ncol multiplot scale factor nrow multiplot corner coordinates 5 5 100 95 . line blank all character circle all character fill on all character hw 1.0 0.75 all title offset 2 title case asis justification left . loop for k = 1 1 ndist let aval = xdist(k) title Mass Level = ^aval normal probability plot ytemp subset xtemp = aval let cc = round(ppcc,3) let ntemp = size ytemp subset xtemp = aval let cccv = norppcv(ntemp,0.05) move 17 85 text PPCC: ^cc move 17 80 let cccv = round(cccv,3) text PPCC 5% CV: ^cccv end of loop end of multiplot justification center move 50 97 case asis text Normal Probability Plots of the Non-Zero Measurements

    plot generated by sample program
Program 2:
    skip 25
    set read format f4.0,2f15.1,4f15.0
    read std_lod.txt x y1 to y6
    skip 0
    set read format
    set write decimals 4
    multiple limits of detection y1 y2 y3 y4 y5 y6 x
    The following ouput is generated
                Limits of Detection Analysis
                (Based on ASTM E-2677 Standard)
    Response Variable: Y1
    Mass Variable:     X
    Final Estimate:
    Critical Value (Cv90):                          32.7600
    Detection Limit (LOD90):                         1.6418
    90% Upper Confidence Limit on LOD:               2.4654
    Summary Table
               Mass      Number of          Number of            Mean of             SD of
             Values    Zero Values    Non-Zero Values    Non-Zero Values   Non-Zero Values
             0.0000              0                 20            21.1700            6.0745
             1.0000              0                 12            29.8250            8.8439
             3.0000              0                 12            53.9083            6.5607
            10.0000              0                 12           119.2417            7.1701
            30.0000              0                 12           317.1667           13.1563
    LOD Table
                            Linear      StdDev of   LOD Estimate        1-Sigma                       90%-90%
                     Least Squares    Errors From       Based On    Uncertainty      90% Upper          Upper
               Mass          Slope         Linear      Cumulated         on LOD     Confidence      Tolerance
             Values      Estimates          Model         Sample       Estimate   Limit on LOD   Limit on LOD
             0.0000             **             **             **             **             **             **
             1.0000         6.3649         8.8439         2.6813         1.0942        13.9859        23.8593
             3.0000         9.7710         8.0447         1.6418         0.1801         2.4654         4.0708
            10.0000         9.5957         7.6683         1.6215         0.1383         2.1200         3.4476
            30.0000         9.7690         9.2329         1.7980         0.1321         2.2435         3.7266
                Limits of Detection Analysis
                (Based on ASTM E-2677 Standard)
    Response Variable: Y2
    Mass Variable:     X
    Final Estimate:
    Critical Value (Cv90):                          12.8300
    Detection Limit (LOD90):                         2.2424
    90% Upper Confidence Limit on LOD:               3.5695
    Summary Table
               Mass      Number of          Number of            Mean of             SD of
             Values    Zero Values    Non-Zero Values    Non-Zero Values   Non-Zero Values
             0.0000              0                 20             0.2050            7.2844
             1.0000              0                 12            14.2500            9.8204
             3.0000              0                 12            28.4833           10.3888
            10.0000              0                 12            86.7417           12.5594
            30.0000              0                 12           262.1167           11.0680
    LOD Table
                            Linear      StdDev of   LOD Estimate        1-Sigma                       90%-90%
                     Least Squares    Errors From       Based On    Uncertainty      90% Upper          Upper
               Mass          Slope         Linear      Cumulated         on LOD     Confidence      Tolerance
             Values      Estimates          Model         Sample       Estimate   Limit on LOD   Limit on LOD
             0.0000             **             **             **             **             **             **
             1.0000        11.4947         9.8204         1.7003         0.4406         4.4354         7.4830
             3.0000         8.8679        10.0867         2.2424         0.2916         3.5695         5.9200
            10.0000         8.4413        10.8222         2.4674         0.2039         3.3003         5.4811
            30.0000         8.6232        10.8134         2.4140         0.1825         3.0279         5.0053
                Limits of Detection Analysis
                (Based on ASTM E-2677 Standard)
    Response Variable: Y3
    Mass Variable:     X
    Final Estimate:
    Critical Value (Cv90):                         152.3000
    Detection Limit (LOD90):                         4.3436
    90% Upper Confidence Limit on LOD:               5.9310
    Summary Table
               Mass      Number of          Number of            Mean of             SD of
             Values    Zero Values    Non-Zero Values    Non-Zero Values   Non-Zero Values
             0.0000              0                 20            89.6000           35.6893
             1.0000              0                 12           118.3333           33.9367
             3.0000              0                 12           150.0000           18.6304
            10.0000              0                 12           272.4167           33.8216
            30.0000              0                 12           603.9167           35.5207
    LOD Table
                            Linear      StdDev of   LOD Estimate        1-Sigma                       90%-90%
                     Least Squares    Errors From       Based On    Uncertainty      90% Upper          Upper
               Mass          Slope         Linear      Cumulated         on LOD     Confidence      Tolerance
             Values      Estimates          Model         Sample       Estimate   Limit on LOD   Limit on LOD
             0.0000             **             **             **             **             **             **
             1.0000        26.1403        33.9367         3.2526         1.2697        14.0966        21.9875
             3.0000        19.9561        27.1842         3.8270         0.6656         6.3183         9.2591
            10.0000        18.1982        29.2709         4.3436         0.5454         5.9310         8.7120
            30.0000        17.1817        31.0788         4.7354         0.5461         6.0514         8.9284
                Limits of Detection Analysis
                (Based on ASTM E-2677 Standard)
    Response Variable: Y4
    Mass Variable:     X
    Final Estimate:
    Critical Value (Cv90):                          29.8000
    Detection Limit (LOD90):                         1.5189
    90% Upper Confidence Limit on LOD:               2.1779
    Summary Table
               Mass      Number of          Number of            Mean of             SD of
             Values    Zero Values    Non-Zero Values    Non-Zero Values   Non-Zero Values
             0.0000              0                 20            20.6000            6.3029
             1.0000              0                 12            30.1667            4.4890
             3.0000              0                 12            47.6667            5.7102
            10.0000              0                 12            62.4167            7.5131
            30.0000              0                 12            70.7500            4.8265
    LOD Table
                            Linear      StdDev of   LOD Estimate        1-Sigma                       90%-90%
                     Least Squares    Errors From       Based On    Uncertainty      90% Upper          Upper
               Mass          Slope         Linear      Cumulated         on LOD     Confidence      Tolerance
             Values      Estimates          Model         Sample       Estimate   Limit on LOD   Limit on LOD
             0.0000             **             **             **             **             **             **
             1.0000         8.1512         4.4890         1.5008         0.2975         2.9526         4.4843
             3.0000         8.5105         5.0306         1.5189         0.1890         2.1779         3.2843
            10.0000         4.4465         9.8315         4.2909         0.4176         6.0165         9.9587
            30.0000         1.9318        16.6355        14.3901         1.3526        20.2616        35.5926
                Limits of Detection Analysis
                (Based on ASTM E-2677 Standard)
    Response Variable: Y5
    Mass Variable:     X
    Final Estimate:
    Critical Value (Cv90):                          66.9000
    Detection Limit (LOD90):                         3.6005
    90% Upper Confidence Limit on LOD:               4.8802
    Summary Table
               Mass      Number of          Number of            Mean of             SD of
             Values    Zero Values    Non-Zero Values    Non-Zero Values   Non-Zero Values
             0.0000              0                 20            43.7000           16.6041
             1.0000              0                 12            58.0833           18.1732
             3.0000              0                 12            72.5833           17.2440
            10.0000              0                 12           154.7500           11.8254
            30.0000              0                 12           344.3333            3.3394
    LOD Table
                            Linear      StdDev of   LOD Estimate        1-Sigma                       90%-90%
                     Least Squares    Errors From       Based On    Uncertainty      90% Upper          Upper
               Mass          Slope         Linear      Cumulated         on LOD     Confidence      Tolerance
             Values      Estimates          Model         Sample       Estimate   Limit on LOD   Limit on LOD
             0.0000             **             **             **             **             **             **
             1.0000        12.0090        18.1732         3.4519         1.5454        22.9214        36.8784
             3.0000         9.1536        17.4612         4.4290         0.8898         8.2311        12.8500
            10.0000        10.7118        15.9206         3.6005         0.4068         4.8802         7.4342
            30.0000        10.0258        14.3593         3.6472         0.4079         4.6299         6.8946
                Limits of Detection Analysis
                (Based on ASTM E-2677 Standard)
    Response Variable: Y6
    Mass Variable:     X
    Final Estimate:
    Critical Value (Cv90):                          44.0000
    Detection Limit (LOD90):                         5.8926
    90% Upper Confidence Limit on LOD:               7.4054
    Summary Table
               Mass      Number of          Number of            Mean of             SD of
             Values    Zero Values    Non-Zero Values    Non-Zero Values   Non-Zero Values
             0.0000             20                  0             0.0000            0.0000
             1.0000             12                  0             0.0000            0.0000
             3.0000              8                  4            51.0000            4.9666
            10.0000              0                 12           111.8333           10.4693
            30.0000              0                 12           310.8333           10.7605
    LOD Table
                            Linear      StdDev of   LOD Estimate        1-Sigma                       90%-90%
                     Least Squares    Errors From       Based On    Uncertainty      90% Upper          Upper
               Mass          Slope         Linear      Cumulated         on LOD     Confidence      Tolerance
             Values      Estimates          Model         Sample       Estimate   Limit on LOD   Limit on LOD
             0.0000             **             **             **             **             **             **
             1.0000             **             **             **             **             **             **
             3.0000        17.0000         4.9666         3.7488         0.1825         5.4695         6.7043
            10.0000        11.3528        12.8120         5.8926         0.1892         7.4054         9.6081
            30.0000        10.4629        13.3701         6.2753         0.0731         7.3204         9.4806
Date created: 11/06/2018
Last updated: 12/11/2023

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