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Dataplot Vol 2 Vol 1


    Let Subcommand
    Compute linear least squares fits for each column (or row) of a matrix with an independent variable.
    This command will perform a linear least squares fit of each column (or row) of a matrix with the same independent variable. It returns the intercept and slope parameters with their corresponding standard deviations.
Syntax 1:
    LET <a0> <a0sd> <a1> <a1sd> = MATRIX COLUMN FIT <mat> <x>
                            <SUBSET/EXCEPT/FOR qualification>
    where <mat> is a matrix for which the fits are to be generated;
                <x> is a response variable that contains the independent variable for the fit;
                <a0> is a variable where the intercepts from the fits are saved;
                <a0sd> is a variable where the standard deviations of the intercepts from the fits are saved;
                <a1> is a variable where the slopes from the fits are saved;
                <a1sd> is a variable where the standard deviations of the slopes from the fits are saved;
    and where the <SUBSET/EXCEPT/FOR qualification> is optional and rarely used in this context.

    With this syntax, each column of <mat> is used as the dependent variable in a linear least squares fit with <x> as the independent variable. The number of rows in <mat> must be the same as the number of rows in <x>

Syntax 2:
    LET <a0> <a0sd> <a1> <a1sd> = MATRIX ROW FIT <mat> <x>
                            <SUBSET/EXCEPT/FOR qualification>
    where <mat> is a matrix for which the fits are to be generated;
                <x> is a response variable that contains the independent variable for the fit;
                <a0> is a variable where the intercepts from the fits are saved;
                <a0sd> is a variable where the standard deviations of the intercepts from the fits are saved;
                <a1> is a variable where the slopes from the fits are saved;
                <a1sd> is a variable where the standard deviations of the slopes from the fits are saved;
    and where the <SUBSET/EXCEPT/FOR qualification> is optional and rarely used in this context.

    With this syntax, each row of <mat> is used as the dependent variable in a linear least squares fit with <x> as the independent variable. The number of columns in <mat> must be the same as the number of rows in <x>

Related Commands:
    FIT = Perform a linear or non-linear least squares fit.
    LINEAR SLOPE = Compute the slope from a linear least squares fit.
    LINEAR INTERCEPT = Compute the intercept from a linear least squares fit.
    Exploratory Data Analysis
Implementation Date:
    dimension 500 columns
    skip 25
    read gear.dat y tag
    let tagdist = distinct tag
    let tagdist = sort tagdist
    let ngroup = size tagdist
    loop for k = 1 1 ngroup
        let aval = tagdist(k)
        let y^k  = y
        retain y^k  subset tag = aval
    end of loop
    let nrow = 10
    let x = sequence 1 1 nrow
    let m = create matrix y1 y2 y3 y4 y5 y6 y7 y8 y9 y10
    set write decimals 5
    let b0 b1 b0sd b1sd = matrix column fit m x
    print b0 b1 b0sd b1sd
    let mt = matrix transpose m
    let c0 c1 c0sd c1sd = matrix row fit mt x
    print c0 c1 c0sd c1sd

Date created: 9/8/2010
Last updated: 9/8/2010
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