" ' # $ % & \ ( ) * + , - . / : ; < = > ? @ [ ] ^ _ ` ~ { } | If you would like to define your own list of characters to delete, you can use the command STRING DELETE.
where <sout> is the name of the resulting string; and <sorg> is the name of the original string.
In this case, STR will now contain the the string with punctuation characters removed rather than the original string.
you need to do
LET SOUT = STRING REMOVE PUNCTUATION SORG The name on the left hand side of the equal sign may be a previously existing string. However, if it is a previously existing parameter, variable, or matrix name, an error will be reported and the requested string will not be created.
read string alan.heckert@nist.gov;james.filliben@nist.gov let stout = string remove punctuation stin print stin stoutThe following output is returned FUNCTIONS-- STIN --alan.heckert@nist.gov;james.filliben@nist.gov STOUT --alanheckertnistgovjamesfillibennistgov
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NIST is an agency of the U.S.
Commerce Department.
Date created: 10/10/2018 |