That is, for each i we compute the median of {|xi - xj| j = 1, ..., n}. The median of these n numbers is then the estimate of Sn. The constant c is determined to make Sn a consistent estimator. The value used is 1.1926 (this is the value needed to make Sn a consistent estimator for data from a normal distribution). The Sn statistic measures typical distances between values (in contrast to the median absolute deviation and the standard deviation which measure the distance from a central location). Enter HELP SN SCALE for a more detailed discussion of the Sn scale estimate. For the difference of Sn scale estimates, the Sn scale estimate is computed for each of the two samples then their difference is taken.
<SUBSET/EXCEPT/FOR qualification> where <y> is the response variable; <par> is a parameter where the computed difference of Sn scale statistics is stored; and where the <SUBSET/EXCEPT/FOR qualification> is optional.
Mosteller and Tukey (1977), "Data Analysis and Regression: A Second Course in Statistics," Addison-Wesley, pp. 203-209.
SKIP 25 READ IRIS.DAT Y1 TO Y4 X . LET A = DIFFERENCE OF SN Y1 Y2 TABULATE DIFFERENCE OF SN Y1 Y2 X . XTIC OFFSET 0.2 0.2 MAJOR XTIC MARK NUMBER 3 MINOR XTIC MARK NUMBER 0 X1LABEL GROUP ID Y1LABEL DIFFERENCE OF SN CHARACTER X LINE BLANK DIFFERENCE OF SN PLOT Y1 Y2 X CHARACTER X ALL LINE BLANK ALL BOOTSTRAP DIFFERENCE OF SN PLOT Y1 Y2 XDataplot generated the following output. ************************************** ** LET A = DIFFERENCE OF SN Y1 Y2 ** ************************************** THE COMPUTED VALUE OF THE CONSTANT A = 0.47704038E+00 ***************************************** ** TABULATE DIFFERENCE OF SN Y1 Y2 X ** ***************************************** * Y1 AND Y2 X * DIFFERENCE OF SN ********************************************** 1.00000 * -0.298023E-06 2.00000 * 0.238520 3.00000 * 0.357780
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